
What are the Odds

The odds or chances of winning are very small. Odds are always against the bettor.

The “house” will always have the edge, and the more someone gambles, the more likely they will lose.

Your Big Chance:

Lotto 6/49:     1 in 14 million

Super 7:     1 in 21 million

So to win – you need to buy a ticket every day for 20,000 years

Slots machines, there are many different slots with varying jackpots and odds.  The payback on slot machines in Ontario  is 85% or better

The odds of winning the jackpot can vary from

1 in 4,096, or

1 in 33,554,00

Chance of being in a car accident or drowning:

1 in 20,000 

Dying from a flesh-eating bacteria disease

1 in 1 million

Being struck by lightening

1 in 240,000

Being killed by a venomous bite or sting

1 in 160,000 

Dying from failing down stairs or steps

1 in 6,330

Sources: British Columbia Partnership for Responsible Gambling;  Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. Lotteries;  COSTI Immigrant Services, “A Reference Manual on Problem Gambling for Newcomers Service Providers.”

Some people gamble because they think they can “beat the system” or because they feel lucky.

The laws of probability will ensure that if you do “get ahead”, you’ll eventually erase those gains if you keep playing.

Gambling Facts and Myths:

There are many myths about winning when you gamble.  According to the Responsible Gambling Council of Ontario, these are some of the more frequent ones:

Myth: I can see a pattern in the way the machine is paying out

Fact: Games are based on random event

Myth: If I keep playing, I will eventually win, get my money back

Fact: The longer one plays, the more one will lose

Myth: One has a better chance of winning at a slot machine by the entrance

Fact: Casinos have no control over the outcomes of the player’s game

Myth: I have discovered a winning system

Fact: People who have an inflated belief in their skills are a greater risk of developing a gambling problem.  They undervalue the impact of the things they can not control.


Are the reasons for Ethno/Multicultural Communities and gambling different?

Whether people belong to ethno-multicultural communities or the mainstream culture, the reasons for gambling and the problems that can develop by it, are the same.

According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), people from different cultural backgrounds gamble:

· To socialize

· To escape problems and isolation

· To socialize with members of cultural groups

· To regain social status

· To celebrate religious festivals

In many ethno-cultural groups gambling is a way to socialize. However, many ethno-cultural communities have unique social and recreational activities as well as preferences for games. In the Italian community for example, card playing is very popular, whether at home or at social clubs. Children of Asian cultural background are taught to play the game Mahjong, or Fan-Tan, which is a traditional and very simple pebble-counting game. “Fan” means “to turn over” an object, which could be a cup or a bowl, and “Tan” means “spread out” the stones.

When talking about gambling and ethno-cultural groups we have to mention the issue of immigration –life in transition- This extra stress on newcomers and refugees may put them in a more vulnerable position to develop a problem with gambling. They may use gambling as an escape from feelings of loneliness, homesickness, sadness and anguish, and the effect that   these issues may have on every family member as well as the whole family as a unit.  It is also important to take into consideration the family roles and behaviours in their own culture and their own family, as well as their attitudes and  beliefs about gambling and luck.

It is also important to note that within the same ethno-cultural communities, many differences exist, mostly due to the following factors:

  • Type of Immigration Status
  • Time of Immigration
  • Level of Acculturation
  • Level of Education
  • Socio-Economic Status
  • Ability to get and feel involved in the :new” community
  • Social/Community  support

As cited in the 2006 report “The Human Face of Mental Health and Mental Illness in Canada”, Statistics Canada, (p34), all immigrants face resettlement stress or the challenge of settling in a new country.  Possible stressors include unemployment, poverty, isolation, language barriers, differing societal values, racism, and, in general  knowing how various systems-such as credentialing, employment, workplace, education and health-function.

People from different cultural backgrounds may use gambling to try to regain lost status, to feel part of the new community or part of the crowd and to feel that they belong. However, the social stigma that might be attached to gambling, within their own communities, may prevent gamblers who develop a problem from admitting that there is a problem and seeking professional help. As a result, there is greater stress on family members to deal with this problem and also to provide necessary health, financial and legal care, and what is consider cultural ly appropriate in regards looking for outside help e.g. counselling or t treatment.

The following are a few smart strategies to help family members to cope with issues of gambling and problem gambling

Smart strategies to prevent and protect family members:

  • Get Informed
  • Don’t Hide the Problem
  • Find the Right moment to talk about it
  • Support the family member or relative in making positive change
  • Find Professional Help and Family Support for yourself
  • Remember that change takes time

(Adapted from Within Limits, 2006 publication, Responsible Gambling Council of Ontario)

There may also be the issue of conflict of values between one’s own religious and cultural practices and the modern-western practice of gambling as entertainment, which is very common here in Canada.

Please see COSTI  Immigrant Services  publication “A Reference Manual on Problem Gambling for Newcomers Service Providers”, as an  example of  how perception about gambling, problem gambling and where to seek help are different for members of ethno-cultural groups.

Since gambling is a tourism attraction, many times there may be more opportunities for multilingual people to be employed within the gaming industry (Casinos, Bingo Halls, etc.). However, due to the availability/accessibility of gambling venues, there is also a high incidence of problem gambling within the gaming industry staff.


دریافت اطلاع

مهم ترین مشکل قمار چیست؟

قمار ممکن است در اونتاریو بدون مشکل به نظر برسد. وجود بلیط های بخت آزمایی ، کازینوهای ماشینی، بازی شانس (بینگو) بنگاه های خیریه، مجموعه بازی های ورزشی و سایر انواع قمار راه های گوناگونی هستند که مردم شانس خود را با آنها امتحان می کنند؛ و مردم شانس خود را در صنعت چند میلیارد دلاری قمار اونتاریو می آزمایند.

برای اغلب مردم، قمار یک راه هیجان انگیز و راحتی برای بردن اندکی پول یا وقت گذراندن با دوستان خود است. اما در دیگران، قمار تبدیل به نیرویی می شود که خانواده، وضع مالی، کار و زندگی اجتماعی آنها را از هم می پاشد.

چه وقت قمار بد است؟

اگر هیجان بردن پول زیاد، از گذراندن وقت با عزیزان خود مهم تر باشد، اگر قمار بر نحوه کار تأثیر بگذارد، یا اگر بدهی ها –روز به روز بیشتر شوند- به نظر می رسد که هیچوقت تمامی نخواهند داشت، آنوقت قمار بد است.

هدف از راه اندازی این سایت-عرضه اطلاعاتی در باره- اعتیاد به قمار چیست و –شناخت – علائم – و نشانه هائی-که می تواند بد باشد- به شماست.

چه باید بکنم؟

اطلاعات کسب کنید و یاد بگیرید
ابتدا، در باره قمار- و فرق بین قمار و اعتیاد به قمار اطلاعات کسب کنید.

از خود بپرسید
یکی از تست هایی–که در این سایت موجود است- را انجام دهید تا ببینید که آیا شما، یا یکی از عزیزان شما مبتلا به این مشکل است

کمک بگیرید
مبارزه با مشکل قمار یک چالش واقعی است- ولی شانس در طرف شماست! یاد بگیرید که چگونه قمار سالم بازی کنید و چگونه حدودی برای قماربازی کسی که برای شما عزیز است را تعیین کنید. اگر نمی دانید از کجا شروع کنید- این وب سایت چند زبانه – مخصوصاً برای ارائه کمک، به زبان شما تهیه شده است


دریافت اطلاع

مهم ترین مشکل قمار چیست؟

قمار ممکن است در اونتاریو بدون مشکل به نظر برسد. وجود بلیط های بخت آزمایی ، کازینوهای ماشینی، بازی شانس (بینگو) بنگاه های خیریه، مجموعه بازی های ورزشی و سایر انواع قمار راه های گوناگونی هستند که مردم شانس خود را با آنها امتحان می کنند؛ و مردم شانس خود را در صنعت چند میلیارد دلاری قمار اونتاریو می آزمایند.

برای اغلب مردم، قمار یک راه هیجان انگیز و راحتی برای بردن اندکی پول یا وقت گذراندن با دوستان خود است. اما در دیگران، قمار تبدیل به نیرویی می شود که خانواده، وضع مالی، کار و زندگی اجتماعی آنها را از هم می پاشد.

چه وقت قمار بد است؟

اگر هیجان بردن پول زیاد، از گذراندن وقت با عزیزان خود مهم تر باشد، اگر قمار بر نحوه کار تأثیر بگذارد، یا اگر بدهی ها –روز به روز بیشتر شوند- به نظر می رسد که هیچوقت تمامی نخواهند داشت، آنوقت قمار بد است.

هدف از راه اندازی این سایت-عرضه اطلاعاتی در باره- اعتیاد به قمار چیست و –شناخت – علائم – و نشانه هائی-که می تواند بد باشد- به شماست.

چه باید بکنم؟

اطلاعات کسب کنید و یاد بگیرید
ابتدا، در باره قمار- و فرق بین قمار و اعتیاد به قمار اطلاعات کسب کنید.

از خود بپرسید
یکی از تست هایی–که در این سایت موجود است- را انجام دهید تا ببینید که آیا شما، یا یکی از عزیزان شما مبتلا به این مشکل است

کمک بگیرید
مبارزه با مشکل قمار یک چالش واقعی است- ولی شانس در طرف شماست! یاد بگیرید که چگونه قمار سالم بازی کنید و چگونه حدودی برای قماربازی کسی که برای شما عزیز است را تعیین کنید. اگر نمی دانید از کجا شروع کنید- این وب سایت چند زبانه – مخصوصاً برای ارائه کمک، به زبان شما تهیه شده است


News | | Niagara Multilingual Prevention/Education Problem Gambling Program

Latest YGI Newsletter

Check out the latest YGI Newsletter (Volume 14, Issue 2) – brought to you by the Youth Gambling International Centre.

Posted in News


Our upcoming program theme is Stop the Chase, which highlights a key sign of a gambling problem: chasing losses. When someone gambles more in order to win back losses or get out of financial trouble the increased gambling is likely

Posted in News

Announcing the latest YGI Newsletter

Announcing the latest YGI Newsletter (Volume 12, Issue 3), brought to you by the Youth Gambling International Centre. View the news letter:  

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New website updates!

We’ve recently made some updates to our website.You’ll find new information, phone numbers, simple tips, and helpful links to other resources on the web, plus much much more. Check back often as we’ll be posting plenty of new information and

Posted in News



IS-WAYDII:   Ma Leeyahay Dhibaato Khamaar? 

Astaamaha &Calaamadaha

Waa Maxay Astaamaha ama Calaamaduhu?

Waxa soo socdaa waa qaar kamid ah calaamadaha qofi kala kulmi karo dhibaatada khamaarista:

  • Khamaarista wakhti badan-ku qaadashada wakhti dheer ama kordhinta wakhtiga joogista goobaha khamaarka
  • Sii-fadhiisad meesha khamaarka-si joogto ah uga fikiraya uguna diyaargaroobaya khamaarka
  • “Baacsiga khasaarayaal”-khamaarista badanka iyo ciyaarista saami badan si uu u “soo ceshado” lacag uu khasaaray
  • Ka daahis badan, aan caddayn-oo guriga ama shaqada ah iyo siraysi xad dhaaf ah
  • Khamaarista si uu uga baxsado waajibaadyada ama cadaadisyada nolol maalmeedka
  • Kordhidda daynta khamaarka-been sheegga ama ku kaca hawl dambiilenimo si uu u maalgaliyo khamaarista
  • Dayicidda baahiyaha qoys/shakhsi-tus., nafaqada, hurdada, dugsiga ama fayoobaanta guur

Waxyaabaha Keena Balwadda Khamaarka:


  • Xayeysiiska
  • Cadaadis maaliyadeed
  • Jiritaan
  • Saaxiibo khamaaraya
  • Helista lacag badan
  • Maqalka guulaysi
  • Guul ku dhawaansho
  • Khamaarista iyo guusha
  • Khasaarid
  • Haysasho lacag
  • Dayn aad u badan
  • U cudurdaar khamaarista


  • Sawirka guulaysi
  • “Fursaddayda kaliya”
  • “Wakhtigan si fiican ayaan u qaban”
  • “Haddii aan guulaysto waan farxayaa”
  • Fikir sixirow ah“
  • Waa nasiibkayga”
  • “Kaliya waxaan dhigani inyar”
  • “Waan u qalmaa madadaalo yar”
  • “Ma jiro qaab kale oo aan u bixin karo waxa la igu leeyahay”
  • “Waan soo celin lacagta marka aan guulaysto”


  • Cadho
  • Cadhaysiin
  • Caajis
  • Khaati ah
  • Rajo-beel
  • Farxad
  • Canaadnimo
  • Qalbijab
  • Daalanaan
  • Niyadjab
  • Sakhraansanaan
  • Kaliyow
  • Muujin nacayb
  • Dareemid “xagga sare ee adduunka”


This page is also available in: English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Italian


Quali sono le PROBABILITÀ di vincere?

Le probabilità di vincere sono molto ridotte. Alla lunga, il banco vince sempre, il giocatore perde sempre. Per questo motivo, più si gioca e maggiori sono le probabilità di perdere.

Le probabilità di fare il grande colpo sono:

Lotto 6/49:            1 su 14 milioni

Super 7:                 1 su 21 milioni

Perciò, per avere la sicurezza di vincere, si dovrebbe comprare un biglietto al giorno, per 20.000 anni!

Con le slot machine ci sono vari livelli di probabilità, a seconda del Jackpot e delle impostazioni della macchina. In Ontario le slot machine restituiscono l’85% o più dei soldi inseriti

La probabilità di sbancare una slot machine vanno da

1 su 4.096 a

1 su 33.554

Le probabilità di essere coinvolto in un incidente grave o di affogare sono:

1 su 20.000

Le probabilità di morire per un’infezione batterica alimentare sono:

1 su 1 milione

Le probabilità di essere colpiti da un fulmine sono:

1 su 240.000

Le probabilità di morire per il morso o la puntura di un animale velenoso sono

1 su 160.000:

Le probabilità di morire per la caduta da una scala o da una scalinata sono

1 su 6.330:

Fonti: British Columbia Partnership for Responsible Gambling; Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. Lotteries; COSTI Immigrant Services, “A Reference Manual on Problem Gambling for Newcomers Service Providers.”

Alcuni giocano perché sono convinti di poter “sconfiggere il banco” o perché si sentono particolarmente fortunati.

La legge dei grandi numeri garantisce che, anche quando si inizia con una vincita, quel guadagno sarà eliminato e si trasformerà in perdita se si continua a giocare.

Fatti e miti relativi al gioco d’azzardo:

Ci sono molti miti sulle vincite al gioco d’azzardo. Secondo il Comitato dell’Ontario per il gioco responsabile (Responsible Gambling Council of Ontario), questi sono quelli più diffusi:

Leggenda metropolitana: si può riuscire a prevedere il modo in cui la macchina paga una vincita

Fatto: i giochi si basano sull’assoluta casualità dell’evento

Leggenda metropolitana: se si perde e si continua a giocare, prima o poi si rivincono i soldi persi

Fatto: più a lungo si gioca e più si perde

Leggenda metropolitana: è più facile vincere giocando alle slot machine vicine all’entrate

Fatto: il casinò non ha nessun controllo sul verificarsi delle vincite in qualunque macchina del loro locale

Leggenda metropolitana: ho trovato un sistema sicuro per vincere

Fatto: le persone che hanno la presunzione di avere capacità eccezionali sono quelle che hanno le maggiori probabilità di sviluppare un problema di gioco. Sottovalutano l’impatto delle cose che non possono controllare.


This page is also available in: Inglese, Arabo, Cinese, Somalo



ASK  YOURSELF:   Do I Have A Gambling Problem?

Symptoms & Signs

What are the Symptoms or Signs?

The following are some signs that a person may have a gambling problem:

  • Gambling for longer periods of time-spending long or increasing amounts of time at gambling venues
  • Pre-occupation with gambling-constantly thinking about and preparing for gambling
  • “Chasing losses”-gambling more often and playing higher stakes to “win back” lost money
  • Frequent, unexplained absences-from home or work and undue secrecy
  • Gambling to escape from obligations or life’s daily pressures
  • Growing debt from gambling-lying or criminal activity to finance gambling
  • Neglecting family/personal needs-e.g., nutrition, sleep, schooling or general well-being

Triggers for Problem Gambling:


  • Advertising
  • Financial pressure
  • Availability
  • Friends gambling
  • Large jackpot
  • Hearing of a win
  • Near miss
  • Gambling and winning
  • Losing
  • Having money
  • Too much debt
  • Accused of gambling


  • Picture winning
  • “My only chance”
  • “This time I’ll do it right”
  • “If I win I’ll be happy ”
  • Magical thinking“
  • It’s my destiny”
  • “I’ll only bet a little”
  • “I deserve some fun”
  • “There’s no other way I can pay what I owe”
  • “I’ll put the money back when I win”


  • Anger
  • Irritation
  • Boredom
  • Desperation
  • Hopelessness
  • Happiness
  • Envy
  • Disappointment
  • Feeling Tired
  • Depression
  • Intoxication
  • Loneliness
  • Spitefulness
  • Feeling “on top of the world”



Halka Aynu Ku Khamaarno:

Waxa jira noocyo kala duwan oo khamaar iyo meelo khammaar:

  • Kaasinos
  • Kaasinoska Khayriga
  • Jidadka Tartanka
  • Bingo Hoollis
  • Daloolada Lootariga iyo/ama Tigidhada
  • Lootariyda Cusbitaalada
  • Khamaarka Sahlan
  • Khamaarka Ummadaha Koowaad [kaasinoska kaydadka ama xuduudaha, raadiyaha bingo]
  • Ciyaaraha kiniisadda iyo lacag ururinta kale
  • Sharatanka Jid-Kabaxa
  • Ciyaaraha aan la xukumin sida dagaalka diiqa ama tartannada eyga
  • Sharatanka Pari-mutuel [tartanka isku xidhnaanta]
  • Sharatanka mar wada tabin Xisaabta [ku sharatanka ciyaaro feedh-feedh ah, tartan fardo iyo dhacdooyin kale oo ka dhacaya meel kale]
  • Sharatanka Isboortiga
  • Internetka

Maldahnaanta Khamaarka

Marmarka qaar khamaaristu waxay qaadataa qaabka lacag ururin khayri ah. Bakhtiyaa-nasiibka 50-50, sharatanka dugsiga, bakhtiyaa-nasiibka adeegga kalabka, dhinacyada stag iyo doe, iibka gambada, lootariyda cusbitaalka iyo ciyaaro kale waxay u muuqan karaan qaab fiican oo lacag loogu ururin karo sabab fiican. Hase yeeshee, noocyadan ciyaartu waxa loola qabatima sida kuwa kale ee khamaar waxayna u horseedi karaan qofka khamaaraya dhibaatooyin lamid ah.


This page is also available in: English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Italian



Niagara Multilingual Prevention/Education Problem Gambling Program

905-378-4647 x32503
[email protected]

All our services are free and particular attention has been placed on confidentiality.

This page is also available in: 英语, 阿拉伯语, 意大利语, 索马里语