
Le fasi della dipendenza dal gioco

Progressione della dipendenza

Robert Custer, un esperto nella psicologia del gioco, ha identificato tre fasi nella progressione della dipendenza:

  • Fase iniziale (Fase vincente)
    In questa fase, il risultato finanziario o la fuga dalla realtà ottenuta come risultato del gioco costituiscono motivazione sufficiente per continuare a giocare.
  • Fase intermedia (Fase perdente)
    Le perdite cominciano ad accumularsi, il giocatore comincia a “inseguire” le perdite,rendendo il suo comportamento ancora più fuori controllo.
  • Fase finale (fase della disperazione)
    In questa fase finale, il giocatore viene sommerso dagli eventi. Nascono problemi estremi dal punto di vista emotivo, finanziario e delle relazioni familiari/sociali.  Possono verificarsi anche comportamenti criminali, con conseguenze penali.


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Noocyada Khamaarlayaasha

Dhakhtar Robert Custer aqoonsaday lix nooc oo khamaarlayaal ah:

  1. Xirfadle: xirfad leh, awooda inuu xakameeyo
  2. Bulsho-Diid ama Dambiile: u isticmaala khamaarista khayaamo, ku lug leh hawlo sharci darro ah
  3. Iska Yimid Bulsheed: madadaalo iyo farxad, guulaysiga, khasaariddu waa kharashka madadaalada
  4. Dhab ah Bulsheed: khamaaristu waa qaabka ugu muhiimsan ee madadaalo laakiin wuxuu ku xigaa qoyska iyo fasaxa
  5. Soo Kabasho/Ka Baxsasho: inuu helo ka kabasho walwal, niyadjab, cadho
  6. Ku Ba’an: ka kooban afar sifood: waa dhammaadka socodka):
    • Ku sii socod: aan dayn karin, sharatankaa bata, sii wadaya khamaarista intuu haysto lacag. Wakhtiga lagu qaadanayo khamaarku wuu kordhaa.
    • U dulqaadasho darrida khasaaraha, marka khasaare dhaco, khamaaraha darani wuxuu “eryadaa” lacagta dhuntay. Khasaaraha waa laga qariyaa xubnaha qoyska beentuna waxay noqotaa wax muhiim ku ah wareegga khamaarka.
    • Ku hawlanaan: Fikrdaha kusaabsan khamaaristu waxay noqotaa wax uu si joogto ah ugu taamo.
    • Is-illawsiiya cawaaqibyada: Inta lagu jiro marxaladdan ugu dambaysa, foorjariga, xatooyada iyo lunsadka xooluhu waa caan. Inkasta oo ay jiraan ficiladdan sharci darrada ahi, khamaarluhu wuxuu ku talo jiraa inuu helo guul wayn wax kastana sax ka dhigo.

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Latest YGI Newsletter

Check out the latest YGI Newsletter (Volume 14, Issue 2) – brought to you by the Youth Gambling International Centre.

Posted in News


Maxaan u Khamaarnaa?

Waxaan u khamaarnaa xiisayn iyo ku raaxaysi. Dadka qaar waxay u khamaaraan rajada inay lacag helaan si marka ay u dhandhamiyaan una taabtaan “guusha wayn” – wax keena qaab ay lacag ku helaan si ay riyadooda uga dhabeeyaan. Dadka qaar waxay u khamaaraan madadaalo, sida marka habeenkii ay u raacaan asxaabta kaasinada ama bingada lagu taageerayo urur khayri ah. Laga yaabaa inay tahay iibsiga tigidh mar ah oo lootari. Sidoo kale, waxa jira dad u khamaaraa sababtoo ah waxay jecel yihiin tartanka, bey’adda iyo badhaadhaha “ciyaarta”.

Marka la eego Xarunta La-qabatinka iyo Caafimaadka Maskaxda (CAMH), qaangaarka Ontario kuwaasi oon lahayn dhibaatada khamaarka waxay u khamaaraan asbaabaha soo socda:

  • Si ay lacag ugu guulaystaan 
  • Si ay bulshada u dhexgalaan 
  • Raaxaysi 
  • Wakhtiga isku dhaafin 

Marka la eego CAMH, dadka kasoo kala jeeda dhaqamada kala duwan waxay u khamaaraan asbaabahan soo socda:

  • Si ay bulshada u dhexgalaan
  • Si ay uga baxsadaan dhibaatooyinka iyo go’doominta 
  • Si ay isku bartaan xubnaha kooxo dhaqameed        
  • Si ay dib ugu hantaan mansabka bulsheed
  • Si ay ugu dabbaaldagaal xafladaha diimeed


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Ethno-Cultural Groups

Gambling, Problem Gambling and Ethno-cultural Communities

In the process of working on this new initiative, we realized that the issue of problem gambling within ethno-cultural groups is very much an issue of access of culturally and linguistically appropriate services and also due to language barriers.

When we talk about ethno-cultural groups, we refer to minority ethno-cultural groups, when ethnicity applies to all groups. Ethnicity has many  multi-dimensional characteristics including nationality, religion, language spoken at home, culture and culture within own’s culture, traditions, social practices, customs, etc., as well as issues of self-identification, place of residence and personal definition of ethnicity.

As stated in the report “Dreaming the Numbers: Ethno-cultural gambling in Ontario (Lorne Tepperman et all, September 2004), “Culture and ethnicity are relevant to gambling behaviour trough culturally produced attitudes towards gambling.  Culture affects gambling patterns among members of a cultural group by affecting their ideas, traditions, social practices, customs and laws.  As members of a cultural group, we inherit and pass on culture trough our institutions, practices, technologies, art forms and modes of discourse” (Shweder 1991).  Thus culture affects nor only the availability of gambling facilities, but people’s attitudes and beliefs about gambling.  Culture determines the attitude and meaning that gambling has for its members, and in this way, culture affects the specific functions of gambling for different cultural groups (Abt et al 1985)


Why then talk about Ethno/Multicultural Communities and gambling?

Ethno-cultural communities are under-represented in gambling treatment. The lack of appropriate culturally sensitive counselling services, as well as the issue of language means that these populations don’t have equal access to services and therefore they may be in a more vulnerable situation.

According to the 2006 Census, (www.statscanadaCanada has welcomed more than 14 million immigrants since 1901, over 1 million arriving in the last 5 years.  The  number and percentage of foreign born in Canada has steadily increased since 1986.  In Toronto 45.7% of the population are foreign born and over 200 different ethnic groups were reported.  The percentage of foreign  born also increased in other cities, in St. Catharines-Niagara 18.3%, London 19.3%, Kitchener 23.1% and Windsor 23.3%, Hamilton 24.4% , Guelph 20.4%, etc. Taking into consideration these demographics, it is important to consider the needs of these communities in regards problem gambling service delivery.

As stated in the 2004, Centre for Addictions and Mental Health, CAMH, “Provincial Diversity Needs Assessment Report”,  “the proportion of diverse ethnocultural/ethnoracial populations in Ontario has increased significantly, culturally and linguistically appropriate services are still few in number.  Diverse ethnocultural/ethnoracial communities often have different beliefs and attitudes toward mental health, mental health problem and substance use, and different opinions about what constitutes an appropriate model of treatment.  Western ideas about mental health problems and addiction are not always applicable to people from other cultural backgrounds.  A participant from the Rwandan community explains, “There is no concept of mental health in our community…. And there is terminology for addiction”.  Focus group participants wanted outreach to diverse ethnocultural/ethnoracial groups… as well as the development of language-specific and culturally sensitive approaches for these populations.”

However, due to the increase in gambling venues in Canada and globally, more research on gambling and ethno-cultural communities is necessary. During the recent years, we have seen a great emphasis regarding problem gambling and members of different ethno-cultural communities and their families.  As of May 2001, the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre (OPGRC) has awarded $1.6 million for research focusing on special populations., including ethno-cultural groups. Various organizations such as COSTI Immigrant Services, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH, and the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre have conducted research among different ethno-cultural communities.   One can have access to “Addressing Problem Gambling in Toronto and Windsor/Essex County Ethnic communities and Exploration of Cultural Perceptions ( and “Attitudes and Beliefs Regarding Gambling and Problem Gambling in the Hispanic, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Tamil and Vietnamese Communities in the Greater Toronto Area” full reports, by linking the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre (  and or COSTI Immigrant Services (

The results of the above mentioned research will be a great help to overcome the information gap regarding ethno-cultural groups and gambling.   More information will hopefully lead to the development of better, culturally and linguistically effective practices for the assessment and treatment of problem gambling for ethno-cultural populations.


دریافت اطلاع

مهم ترین مشکل قمار چیست؟

قمار ممکن است در اونتاریو بدون مشکل به نظر برسد. وجود بلیط های بخت آزمایی ، کازینوهای ماشینی، بازی شانس (بینگو) بنگاه های خیریه، مجموعه بازی های ورزشی و سایر انواع قمار راه های گوناگونی هستند که مردم شانس خود را با آنها امتحان می کنند؛ و مردم شانس خود را در صنعت چند میلیارد دلاری قمار اونتاریو می آزمایند.

برای اغلب مردم، قمار یک راه هیجان انگیز و راحتی برای بردن اندکی پول یا وقت گذراندن با دوستان خود است. اما در دیگران، قمار تبدیل به نیرویی می شود که خانواده، وضع مالی، کار و زندگی اجتماعی آنها را از هم می پاشد.

چه وقت قمار بد است؟

اگر هیجان بردن پول زیاد، از گذراندن وقت با عزیزان خود مهم تر باشد، اگر قمار بر نحوه کار تأثیر بگذارد، یا اگر بدهی ها –روز به روز بیشتر شوند- به نظر می رسد که هیچوقت تمامی نخواهند داشت، آنوقت قمار بد است.

هدف از راه اندازی این سایت-عرضه اطلاعاتی در باره- اعتیاد به قمار چیست و –شناخت – علائم – و نشانه هائی-که می تواند بد باشد- به شماست.

چه باید بکنم؟

اطلاعات کسب کنید و یاد بگیرید
ابتدا، در باره قمار- و فرق بین قمار و اعتیاد به قمار اطلاعات کسب کنید.

از خود بپرسید
یکی از تست هایی–که در این سایت موجود است- را انجام دهید تا ببینید که آیا شما، یا یکی از عزیزان شما مبتلا به این مشکل است

کمک بگیرید
مبارزه با مشکل قمار یک چالش واقعی است- ولی شانس در طرف شماست! یاد بگیرید که چگونه قمار سالم بازی کنید و چگونه حدودی برای قماربازی کسی که برای شما عزیز است را تعیین کنید. اگر نمی دانید از کجا شروع کنید- این وب سایت چند زبانه – مخصوصاً برای ارائه کمک، به زبان شما تهیه شده است



ASK  YOURSELF:   Do I Have A Gambling Problem?

Symptoms & Signs

What are the Symptoms or Signs?

The following are some signs that a person may have a gambling problem:

  • Gambling for longer periods of time-spending long or increasing amounts of time at gambling venues
  • Pre-occupation with gambling-constantly thinking about and preparing for gambling
  • “Chasing losses”-gambling more often and playing higher stakes to “win back” lost money
  • Frequent, unexplained absences-from home or work and undue secrecy
  • Gambling to escape from obligations or life’s daily pressures
  • Growing debt from gambling-lying or criminal activity to finance gambling
  • Neglecting family/personal needs-e.g., nutrition, sleep, schooling or general well-being

Triggers for Problem Gambling:


  • Advertising
  • Financial pressure
  • Availability
  • Friends gambling
  • Large jackpot
  • Hearing of a win
  • Near miss
  • Gambling and winning
  • Losing
  • Having money
  • Too much debt
  • Accused of gambling


  • Picture winning
  • “My only chance”
  • “This time I’ll do it right”
  • “If I win I’ll be happy ”
  • Magical thinking“
  • It’s my destiny”
  • “I’ll only bet a little”
  • “I deserve some fun”
  • “There’s no other way I can pay what I owe”
  • “I’ll put the money back when I win”


  • Anger
  • Irritation
  • Boredom
  • Desperation
  • Hopelessness
  • Happiness
  • Envy
  • Disappointment
  • Feeling Tired
  • Depression
  • Intoxication
  • Loneliness
  • Spitefulness
  • Feeling “on top of the world”




जुए के साथ बड़ी समस्या क्या है?

ऐसा लग सकता है कि ओन्टेरियो में जुआ कोई समस्या नहीं है। लॉटरी, स्लॉट कसीनो, चैरिटी बिंगो, स्पोर्ट्स पूल और बहुत से दूसरे प्रकार के जुए के खेल हैं जिनमें लोग किस्मत आजमाते हैं। और, लोग ओन्टेरियो की कई बिलियन डॉलर की गेमिंग इंडस्ट्री में किस्मत आजमाते हैं।

अधिकांश लोग, जुए के खेल को रोमांचक और रिलैक्स करने वाले काम के तौर पर लेते हैं जिसमें वे थोड़ा बहुत पैसा जीत सकते हैं या दोस्तों के साथ मिलजुल भी लेते हैं। लेकिन कुछ दूसरे लोगों के लिए, जुआ खेलना ऐसा व्यसन या लत बन जाता है जो उनके परिवारों, आर्थिक स्थिति, काम और सामाजिक जीवन को छिन्न-भिन्न कर देता है।

जुआ खेलना कब लत बन जाता है

जब बड़ी जीत का रोमांच अपने प्रियजनों के साथ समय बिताने से अधिक महत्वपूर्ण हो जाए, जब जुआ खेलने से कार्य निष्पादन प्रभावित होने लगे, अथवा जब ऋण का बोझ बढ़ता ही जा रहा हो – और ऐसा लगे कि यह बोझ कभी खत्म नहीं होगा, तब यह जुए की लत हो सकती है।

यह साइट आपको यह जानकारी देने के लिए डिजाइन की गई है कि जुए की लत है क्या, और साथ में ऐसे चिह्नों और लक्षणों पहचानने के बारे में भी, जिन्हें देखकर कहा जा सकता है कि कुछ गड़बड़ है।

मैं क्या कर सकता(ती) हूं?

जानें और सीखें

सबसे पहले, यह समझें कि जुआ है क्या – और जुआ खेलने तथा जुए की लत के बीच क्या फ़र्क है।

स्वयं से पूछें

किसी एक परीक्षण में भाग लें – जो यहां दी गई हैं – और देखें कि आपको या किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति को समस्या तो नहीं है जिसकी आपको चिंता है।

सहायता प्राप्त करें

जुए की लत से निजात पाना बड़ी चुनौती हो सकती है – लेकिन संभावना आपके पक्ष में ही है! जानें कि सुरक्षित रूप से जुआ कैसे खेला जाए और जिन लोगों की आपको चिंता है, उनकी जुए में सीमा तय करने में कैसे मदद करनी है। यदि आप नहीं जानते कि कहां मदद लेनी है – तो यह वेबसाइट जो बहुत सी भाषाओं में दी गई है, विशिष्ट रूप से आपकी अपनी भाषा में मदद करने के लिए तैयार की गई है।