
Problem Gambling Facts

Problem Gambling Facts:

  • 95% of the population have been involved in gambling are healthy when it comes to gambling however,
  • 5% of the population are problem gamblers, and
  • 1% of the 5% are compulsive/pathological gamblers.

Many people gamble without any problem. The vast majority of people gamble without doing any harm to themselves or others.  According to the CAMH (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health) 1995 study, 84% of Ontario adults gamble at least once within a year, and  1/3 of the population (33%) has participated in at least 3 different forms of gambling in 1994 (Ferrir 1996).

Nevertheless, there is a sector of the population that will develop a “gambling problem” and problem gambling has a great deal in common with other addictions.  Among gamblers, up to 50% have substance abuse problems. Nine to eighteen per cent of substance abusers will develop gambling problems. Substance abuse is higher among younger gamblers.

Jason Azmier, senior policy analyst with the Canada West Foundation states that is very difficult to know who is directly affected by gambling, because “it’s very much a hidden illness”. 

Here are some facts, according to Statistics Canada’s 2002 Mental Health and Well-being Survey (Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), Cycle 1.2):

¾ of Canadians (18.9 million) aged 15 years and over spent money on some form of gambling in 2002.

Over 1 in 4 (27%) described themselves as “regular gamblers”, playing at least once a week

Buying lottery tickets is the most popular gambling activity (65% or survey population)

The average spending on gambling by Canadians 18 years and over was $485 per person in 2002 more than a threefold increase from $130 in 1992

Approximately 62% of problem gamblers spent more than $1,000 a year in gambling.

Canadians feel that gambling is an acceptable activity that is highly supported due to the based knowledge that it is government regulated. (



Nasiibyadu ama jaanisku guulaysigu aad ayuu u yar yahay. Nasiib aalaaba wuxuu lid ku yahay sharatamaha. “Gurigu” wuxuu aalaaba leeyahay cidhif, inta badan ee qofi khamaaraana, waa inta badan ee uu khasaari karo.

Fursadda Wayn:

Lotto 6/49:    14 milyan 1

Lotto 6/49:     14 milyan 1

Super 7:     21 milyan 1

Markaa si aad u guulaysato – waxaad u baahan tahay inaad iibsato tigidh maalin kasta 20,000 oo sano

Mishiinada wareejinta, waxa jira islotyo badan oo kala duwan oo ku kala duwan jaakbotyada iyo nasiibyada. Dib u bixinta mishiinada wareejintu ee Ontario waa 85% ama ka fiican

Nasiibka ku guulaysiga jaakbotku wuxuu kala duwanaan karaa

4,096-kiiba 1 ama

33,554,00-kiiba 1

Fursadda aad ku galayso shil baabuur ama qarqoon:

20,000-kiiba 1

U dhimashada cudurka bakteeriyada jiidhka cunta

1 milyankii 1

Danab ku dhaco

240,000-kiiba 1

Ay disho qaniinyo sun leh

160,000-kiiba 1

U dhimashada kusoo dhaca dabaqa hoose ama jaranjarada

6,330-kiiba 1

Meelaha laga soo xigtay: Rafiiqnimada British Columbia ee Khamaarista Xilkas ah; Iskaashiga Lootariga iyo Ciyaarta Ontario. Lootariyada; Adeegyada Haajiraadda COSTI, “Buug Tusmeed Yar oo Ku saabsan Balwadda Khamaarka ee Bixiyayaasha Adeegga Soogalootiga.”

Dadka qaar waxay u khamaaraan iyagoo u malaynaya inay “ka adkaan karaan nidaamka” ama iyagoo dareemaya inay nasiib leeyihiin.

Shuruucda xisaabta jaanisku waxay xaqiijin in haddii “inta hore” fiicnaato, aad ugu dambaynta baabi’in doonto macaashkan haddaad ciyaarta sii waddo.

Xaqiiqooyinka iyo Khuraafaadka Khamaarista:

Waxa jira khuraafaad badan oo ku saabsan guulaysiga marka aad khamaarayso. Marka la eego Golaha Khamaarista Xilkaska ah ee Ontario, kuwani waa kuwa inta badan soo noqnoqda:

Khuraafaad: Waxaan arki karaa qaabka mishiinka usoo saarayo

Xaqiiq: Ciyaaruhu waxay ku salaysan yihiin dhacdo nasiib ah

Khuraafaad: Haddaan ciyaarta sii wado, ugu dambaynta waan guulaysan, lacagtayda ayaan soo ceshan

Xaqiiq: Inta badan ee qofi ciyaaro, waa inta badan ee uu chaser

Khuraafaad: Qofku wuxuu leeyahay fursad fiican oo uu ku guulaysto mishiinka islotka ee irridda

Xaqiiq: Kasinos ma maamulaan natiijooyinka ciyaarta ciyaartooyga 

Khuraafaad: Waxaan ogaaday qaab guulaysi

Xaqiiq: Dadka aadka u rumaysta xirfadahoogu waxay khatar badan ugu jiraan dhibaatada khamaar. Way sahashadaan raadka waxyaalaha ayna maamuli karin.


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जुए के साथ बड़ी समस्या क्या है?

ऐसा लग सकता है कि ओन्टेरियो में जुआ कोई समस्या नहीं है। लॉटरी, स्लॉट कसीनो, चैरिटी बिंगो, स्पोर्ट्स पूल और बहुत से दूसरे प्रकार के जुए के खेल हैं जिनमें लोग किस्मत आजमाते हैं। और, लोग ओन्टेरियो की कई बिलियन डॉलर की गेमिंग इंडस्ट्री में किस्मत आजमाते हैं।

अधिकांश लोग, जुए के खेल को रोमांचक और रिलैक्स करने वाले काम के तौर पर लेते हैं जिसमें वे थोड़ा बहुत पैसा जीत सकते हैं या दोस्तों के साथ मिलजुल भी लेते हैं। लेकिन कुछ दूसरे लोगों के लिए, जुआ खेलना ऐसा व्यसन या लत बन जाता है जो उनके परिवारों, आर्थिक स्थिति, काम और सामाजिक जीवन को छिन्न-भिन्न कर देता है।

जुआ खेलना कब लत बन जाता है

जब बड़ी जीत का रोमांच अपने प्रियजनों के साथ समय बिताने से अधिक महत्वपूर्ण हो जाए, जब जुआ खेलने से कार्य निष्पादन प्रभावित होने लगे, अथवा जब ऋण का बोझ बढ़ता ही जा रहा हो – और ऐसा लगे कि यह बोझ कभी खत्म नहीं होगा, तब यह जुए की लत हो सकती है।

यह साइट आपको यह जानकारी देने के लिए डिजाइन की गई है कि जुए की लत है क्या, और साथ में ऐसे चिह्नों और लक्षणों पहचानने के बारे में भी, जिन्हें देखकर कहा जा सकता है कि कुछ गड़बड़ है।

मैं क्या कर सकता(ती) हूं?

जानें और सीखें

सबसे पहले, यह समझें कि जुआ है क्या – और जुआ खेलने तथा जुए की लत के बीच क्या फ़र्क है।

स्वयं से पूछें

किसी एक परीक्षण में भाग लें – जो यहां दी गई हैं – और देखें कि आपको या किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति को समस्या तो नहीं है जिसकी आपको चिंता है।

सहायता प्राप्त करें

जुए की लत से निजात पाना बड़ी चुनौती हो सकती है – लेकिन संभावना आपके पक्ष में ही है! जानें कि सुरक्षित रूप से जुआ कैसे खेला जाए और जिन लोगों की आपको चिंता है, उनकी जुए में सीमा तय करने में कैसे मदद करनी है। यदि आप नहीं जानते कि कहां मदद लेनी है – तो यह वेबसाइट जो बहुत सी भाषाओं में दी गई है, विशिष्ट रूप से आपकी अपनी भाषा में मदद करने के लिए तैयार की गई है।


Dove si gioca

Ci sono molti tipi di giochi d’azzardo e posti in cui si può giocare:

  • Casinò
  • Casinò di beneficenza
  • Ippodromi
  • Sale da bingo
  • Rivendite di biglietti della lotteria e/o gratta e vinci
  • Lotterie per il finanziamento di ospedali
  • Biglietti a vincita immediata
  • Gioco d’azzardo organizzato dalle Prime Nazioni [casinò nelle riserve indiane, bingo via radio]
  • Giochi per la raccolta fondi a beneficio delle chiese o di altri istituti religiosi
  • Puntate illegali sulle corse ippiche
  • Competizioni illegali, come la lotta fra galli o le corse di cani
  • Scommesse al totalizzatore
  • Scommesse a distanza [su incontri di pugilato, corse di cavalli e altri eventi che si svolgono altrove]
  • Scommesse sportive
  • Gioco d’azzardo su Internet

A volte il gioco d’azzardo prende la forma di una raccolta di fondi a scopo caritatevole. Le estrazioni 50-50, le lotterie scolastiche, le estrazioni dei clubdi servizi, la raccolta fondi in una festa di fidanzamento, lotterie di fiere e mercatini, lotterie per finanziare ospedali e altri tipi di giochi possono sembrare degli ottimi sistemi per raccogliere fondi a favore di una buona causa. Comunque questi tipi di giochi creano dipendenza come le altre forme d’azzardo e possono condurre alle stesse conseguenze.

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La Soco

Waa maxay dhibta wayn ee khamaarku? 

Khamaarku wuxuu u muuqan karaa sidii – in aanu dhib ka ahayn Ontario. Bakhtiyaa-nasiibyada, islot kaasinos, bingada khayriga, qori-tuuradka isboortiga iyo noocyo kale oo khamaar ah waxa jira qaabab badan oo dadku fursad uga helaan. Dadkuna waxay qaadanayaan fursadaha suuqa ciyaarta khamaarka dhawrka maaliyiin doolar gaara ee Ontario.

Dadka badankooda, khamaarku waa qaab xiise iyo nasasho oo ay lacag yar ugu guulaystaan ama asxaab isku bartaan. Dad kale, khamaarku wuxuu noqday xooga kala-geeya nolosha qoys, lacageed, shaqo iyo bulsho.

Goorma ayuu khamaarku yahay dhibaato?

Haddii badhaahaha guulaysiga wayni uu ka muhiimsanaanayo wakhti la qaadashada kuwa aad jeceshahay, haddii khamaarku saamaynayo hawlgudashada, ama haddii dayntu -xad dhaafayso una- muuqato inayna waligeed dhammaanayn, khamaarku wuxuu noqon karaa dhibaato.

Bartan waxa loogu talagalay inay – kusiiso macluumaad ku saabsan – waxa ay tahay balwadda khamaarka iyo in – la aqoonsado- calaamadaha –iyo astaamaha- noqon kara dhibaato.

Maxaan samayn karaa? 

La soco oo baro 

Ugu horrayn, baro –wax ku saabsan khamaarka- iyo faraqa u dhexeeya khamaarka iyo balwadda khamaarka.


Qaado mid kamid ah imtixaanada – kuwaasi oo kujira – oo eeg haddii adiga ama qof aad danaynayso ay dhib haysato

Caawimo Hel 

Ka adkaanshaha dhibaato khamaar waxay noqon kartaa loolan dhab ah – laakiin fursaddu adigay kulajirtaa! Baro sida si badbaado leh loogu khamaaro iyo sida loogu caawiyo in qof aad danayso uu xad u yeelo khamaarkiisa. Haddaanad garanayn meel aad wax ka bilawdo, – websaytkan luuqadaha badan ku qoran – waxa si gaar ah loogu talagalay inuu kugu caawiyo luuqaddaada.


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What is Problem Gambling

Problem gambling is any type of gambling that compromises, disrupts, or damages your personal, family, working and social relationships, as well as your financial situation.  It also has a great effect on the individual’s physical, emotional and mental health.

The Canadian Problem Gambling Index, in its final report, defines problem gambling as:

Problem gambling is gambling behaviour that creates negative consequences for the gambler, others in his or her social network, or for the community.

Problem gambling has a serious impact on not only the gambler, but also on family members, friends and co-workers.

Gamblers Anonymous define problem gambling as:

Any betting or wagering, for self or other whether for money or not, no matter how slight or insignificant, where the outcome is uncertain or depend upon chance or skill constitutes gambling.

Gambling Problem Gambling
  • Risking something of value
  • One realizes that something is at risk
  • Understanding that when the bet is done, is irreversible
  • Outcome is determine by chance
  • A pattern of gambling behaviour which compromises, disrupts and damages family, personal and/or professional life
  • Spends money in a way that is harmful to the person
  • May also harm people around them including family, spouse, friends


What are the Odds

The odds or chances of winning are very small. Odds are always against the bettor.

The “house” will always have the edge, and the more someone gambles, the more likely they will lose.

Your Big Chance:

Lotto 6/49:     1 in 14 million

Super 7:     1 in 21 million

So to win – you need to buy a ticket every day for 20,000 years

Slots machines, there are many different slots with varying jackpots and odds.  The payback on slot machines in Ontario  is 85% or better

The odds of winning the jackpot can vary from

1 in 4,096, or

1 in 33,554,00

Chance of being in a car accident or drowning:

1 in 20,000 

Dying from a flesh-eating bacteria disease

1 in 1 million

Being struck by lightening

1 in 240,000

Being killed by a venomous bite or sting

1 in 160,000 

Dying from failing down stairs or steps

1 in 6,330

Sources: British Columbia Partnership for Responsible Gambling;  Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. Lotteries;  COSTI Immigrant Services, “A Reference Manual on Problem Gambling for Newcomers Service Providers.”

Some people gamble because they think they can “beat the system” or because they feel lucky.

The laws of probability will ensure that if you do “get ahead”, you’ll eventually erase those gains if you keep playing.

Gambling Facts and Myths:

There are many myths about winning when you gamble.  According to the Responsible Gambling Council of Ontario, these are some of the more frequent ones:

Myth: I can see a pattern in the way the machine is paying out

Fact: Games are based on random event

Myth: If I keep playing, I will eventually win, get my money back

Fact: The longer one plays, the more one will lose

Myth: One has a better chance of winning at a slot machine by the entrance

Fact: Casinos have no control over the outcomes of the player’s game

Myth: I have discovered a winning system

Fact: People who have an inflated belief in their skills are a greater risk of developing a gambling problem.  They undervalue the impact of the things they can not control.


Leggende metropolitane e fraintendimenti

  • I giocatori hanno personalità estroverse e disinvolte. (In alcuni casi è vero ma ce ne sono anche di taciturni, introversi e riservati)
  • Ai giocatori piace rischiare in tutti i campi della loro vita. (Alcuni hanno l’abitudine di prendere grandi rischi, ma altri sono molto conservatori nel loro modo di vivere e lavorare)
  • Se non si gioca tutti i giorni, significa che non si ha una dipendenza dal gioco
  • Si può diventare dipendenti da un’attività. (Il gioco influisce sulle reazioni biochimiche del cervello allo stesso modo della droga o dell’alcol)
  • I giocatori d’azzardo sono ladri e criminali. (Non è vero, ma alcuni giocatori incalliti possono ricorrere al crimine per disperazione)
  • Una persona con il vizio del gioco scommette su qualunque cosa. (I giocatori problematici solitamente hanno le loro preferenze e non sono tentati da tutti i tipi di gioco d’azzardo che esistono)
  • Tutti i giocatori problematici in realtà vogliono perdere. (In realtà dipendono dall’azione del gioco, preferiscono perdere piuttosto che esserne estromessi)
  • I giocatori problematici sono dei deboli, altrimenti smetterebbero di giocare.


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