

Niagara Multilingual Prevention/Education Problem Gambling Program

905-378-4647 x32503
[email protected]

All our services are free and particular attention has been placed on confidentiality.

This page is also available in: الإنجليزية, الصينية, الإيطالية, الصومالية


Caawimo Hel

Iska Dhicinta Balwadda Khamaarka

Gurracnaanta ka adkaanshaha dhibaatada khamaarku waxay ka wanaagsan tahay gurracnaanta ku guulaysiga lootari!

Kiisaska qaar, khamaaristu si xilkas ah waxay jabin kartaa nidaamyada balwadda khamaarista. Haddaanad adigu ka adkaan karin, asxaabta iyo qoyska ayaa ku caawin.

Haddii adiga, ama qof aad daryeesho u baahan yahay kaalmo oo aanad garanayn meesha wax laga bilaab, waxa jira wakaalado iyo ururo kugu caawin kara, luuqaddaada.

Khayraadka Deegaanka

  • Barnaamijka Kahortagga/Waxbarashada Balwadda Khamaarka ee Luuqadaha Badan ee Niagara, Adeegyada La-qabatinka, Niadaamka Caafimaadka  Addiction Niagara: 905-378-4647 x63849
  • Websayt:
  • Heather Scott, Agaasimo Goboleed, Adeegyada La-qabatinka iyo Caafimaadka Maskaxda: 905-378-4647 X
  • Myra Quinonez-Alfonso, Isu-duwaha Barnaamij, Barnaamijka Balwadda KHamaarka Luuqadaha Badan ee Niagara: 905-378-4647 x63849
  • Adeegyada La-qabatinka Beesha Niagara(CASN) Barnaamijka Daawaynta Khamaarka: 905-684-1859
  • Qarinta Magaca Khamaarlayaasha Niagara: 905-351-1616
  • La-talinta Daynta ee Gobolka Niagara: 905-684-9401
  • Barnaamijka Wacyigalinta Khamaarka Dhallinyarta-YMCA, YGAP, ([email protected] 905) 684-3500 X 442)

Khayraadka Dawlad Goboleed

  • Khadka Caawimada Balwadda Khamaarka ee Ontario (gudbin 24-saac): 1-888-230-3505
  • Xarunta La-qabatinka iyo Caafimaadka Maskaxda CAMH) bilaa lacag ku wac La-talinta Khamaarka: 1-888-647-4414
  • Adeegyada Balwadda Khamaarka Luuqadaha Badan CAMH     
  • La-talin Daymeed 24-saacadood ah: 1-800-267-2272

Ma u baahan tahay la hadalka xirfadle?

Haddaad dareemayso inaad u baahan tahay kaalmada xirfadle dhibaatada khamaarka, fadlan wac ama la xidhiidh adeegyada qarsoodiga ah ee bilaa lacagta ah ee soo socda:

  • Adeegyada La-qabatinka Beesha Niagara(CASN) Barnaamijka Daawaynta Khamaarka: 905-684-1859
  • Qarinta Magaca Khamaarlayaasha Niagara: 905-351-1616
  • La-talinta Daynta ee Gobolka Niagara: 905-684-9401
  • Khadka Caawinta Balwadda Khamaarka Ontario Problem (gudbin 24-saac ah): 1-888-230-3505

Qodobada qoyska iyo asxaabta:

  • Baro calaamadaha!
  • Tag ka hel   (kaasiinada)
  • Taageero niyadeed
  • U noqo saaxiib khamaarlaha
  • U dhig xadadka khamaarlaha
  • Waalidka / Lammaanaha
  • “Jiri maayo dammiin dambe”
  • Cawaaqibyada Sharci iyo Maaliyadeed – ka digtoonow ku maalgalinta dhibta dammiinasho aan dhab ahayn, kaalmo sharci, iwm. – ha u xoog sheegan khamaarlaha
  • Arrimaha isku dhawaansho / masaafadda niyadeed iyo jidheed
  • Carruurtu waxay muujiyaan dambi galis iyo khajilaad (lacag jacayl badan)
  • Bey’adda khamaaristu waxay raadaysaa koboca carruurta –aad ugu dhaw faraha-laga-qaadnimo isagoo sii maraya walxo ama qaabab kale  (Jacobs, 1989)
  • Ilmuhu wuxuu qaataa doorka waalid-beenbeen ah (u daacad ahaanshaha waalidka lidka. Afuufka siidhiga)
  • Ha u cudurdaarin khamaarlayaasha
  • Daacadda ku adkaw
  • Qir dhibaatada

Ku khamaar badqab!

Ha u oggolaan khamaaristu inay la wareegto noloshaada! Haddaad rabto inaad khamaarto, ka fikir xeeladahan khamaar ee fiican ee soo socda.

  • U khamaar madadaalo kaliya
  • Wakhti u xaddid khamaarista
  • Miisaaniyad u xaddid (xad maaliyadeed)
  • Waxba ha soo amaahan si aad ugu khamaarto
  • Ha iibsan jaanis
  • Ha u qaadan kiridhit kaadhiska goobta khamaariska
  • Kaligaa ha khamaarin
  • Ogsoonow in khataruhu kordhaan marka khasaarha iyo/ama niyadjabka

U Dhaqan, Fikir oo Dareen sida guulayste!


  • Ka dheeraw goobaha khamaarka
  • Ku biir jiim
  • Kala qaybi kiridhit kaadhiska
  • Miisaaniyad samee
  • La hadal asxaabta aan khamaarin
  • Samee jimicsiyo nasasho


  • Qabo afkaarta khamaarista
  • Ku hay maskaxda ahdaafta muddada fog
  • Sii qorshee maalmaha fasaxa toddobaadka
  • Xasuusnaw in boorinuhu gudbaan
  • Ka fikir cidhibta khamaarista


  • Aqoonso dareemisaha marka ay dhacaan
  • Xasuusnaw dareemisuhu inay sax yihiin
  • Ku qor dareemisaha joornaal
  • Kala hadal lammaane iyo asxaab dareemisaha


This page is also available in: English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Italian



Niagara Multilingual Prevention/Education Problem Gambling Program

905-378-4647 x32503
[email protected]

All our services are free and particular attention has been placed on confidentiality.

This page is also available in: الإنجليزية, الصينية, الإيطالية, الصومالية


What is Gambling

  • Bet a sum of money
  • Play games of change for money
  • Take risky action in the hope of a desired result
  • Risky undertaking or enterprise

A person is gambling whenever he or she takes the chance of losing money or belongings, and when winning or losing is decided mostly by chance.  Not all gambling is a problem.  Gambling may be low risk or it may be harmful.  Gambling includes not only licensed formats (e.g. scratch tickets, casinos, bingos, horse racing, VLTs (video lottery terminals) but also informal wagering (e.g. people making bets among themselves)


What is Gambling

  • Bet a sum of money
  • Play games of change for money
  • Take risky action in the hope of a desired result
  • Risky undertaking or enterprise

A person is gambling whenever he or she takes the chance of losing money or belongings, and when winning or losing is decided mostly by chance.  Not all gambling is a problem.  Gambling may be low risk or it may be harmful.  Gambling includes not only licensed formats (e.g. scratch tickets, casinos, bingos, horse racing, VLTs (video lottery terminals) but also informal wagering (e.g. people making bets among themselves)


Why do we Gamble

We gamble for excitement and enjoyment.  Some people gamble hoping they will win money so they can taste and touch the “big win” something that results in the financial means to make their dreams come true.  Some people gamble for entertainment, such as a night out with friends at the casino or a bingo game in support of a charitable organization.  Perhaps it’s purchasing an occasional lottery ticket. As well, there are people who gamble simply because they love the challenge, the environment and the thrill of the “game”.

According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), adults in Ontario who do not have a gambling problem gamble for the following reasons:

  • To win money
  • To socialize
  • For enjoyment
  • To pass the time

According to CAMH, people from different cultural backgrounds gamble for the following reasons:

  • To socialize
  • To escape problems and isolation
  • To socialize with members of cultural groups         
  • To regain social status
  • To celebrate religious festivals




ASK  YOURSELF:   Do I Have A Gambling Problem?

Symptoms & Signs

What are the Symptoms or Signs?

The following are some signs that a person may have a gambling problem:

  • Gambling for longer periods of time-spending long or increasing amounts of time at gambling venues
  • Pre-occupation with gambling-constantly thinking about and preparing for gambling
  • “Chasing losses”-gambling more often and playing higher stakes to “win back” lost money
  • Frequent, unexplained absences-from home or work and undue secrecy
  • Gambling to escape from obligations or life’s daily pressures
  • Growing debt from gambling-lying or criminal activity to finance gambling
  • Neglecting family/personal needs-e.g., nutrition, sleep, schooling or general well-being

Triggers for Problem Gambling:


  • Advertising
  • Financial pressure
  • Availability
  • Friends gambling
  • Large jackpot
  • Hearing of a win
  • Near miss
  • Gambling and winning
  • Losing
  • Having money
  • Too much debt
  • Accused of gambling


  • Picture winning
  • “My only chance”
  • “This time I’ll do it right”
  • “If I win I’ll be happy ”
  • Magical thinking“
  • It’s my destiny”
  • “I’ll only bet a little”
  • “I deserve some fun”
  • “There’s no other way I can pay what I owe”
  • “I’ll put the money back when I win”


  • Anger
  • Irritation
  • Boredom
  • Desperation
  • Hopelessness
  • Happiness
  • Envy
  • Disappointment
  • Feeling Tired
  • Depression
  • Intoxication
  • Loneliness
  • Spitefulness
  • Feeling “on top of the world”





Fatti relativi al gioco d’azzardo problematico

Fatti relativi al gioco d’azzardo problematico

  • Il 95% delle persone che hanno giocato qualche volta d’azzardo hanno un approccio sano al giocoIl 5% della popolazione ha un approccio problematico al gioco d’azzardo e
  • L’1% di quel 5% si trasforma in giocatori compulsivi/patologici

Molte persone giocano d’azzardo senza problemi. La stragrande maggioranza della gente lo fa senza recare danno a sé o agli altri. Secondo uno studio di CAMH (Centro per le dipendenze e la salute mentale) effettuato nel 1995, l’84% degli adulti dell’Ontario gioca d’azzardo almeno una volta l’anno e 1/3 della popolazione (il 33%) ha partecipato ad almeno tre forme di gioco d’azzardo nel 1994 (Ferrir 1996).

Ciò nonostante, c’è una parte della popolazione che sviluppa un “problema di gioco d’azzardo”, una situazione che ha molto in comune con altre forme di dipendenza. Fra questi giocatori d’azzardo, fino al 50% ha anche un problema di abuso di sostanze. Fra il 9% e il 18% di coloro che abusano di sostanze diventano anche giocatori patologici. L’abuso di sostanze è più elevato fra i giocatori giovani.

Jason Azmier, analista politico senior di Canada West Foundation, afferma che è molto difficile sapere chi sia affetto dal problema del gioco perché “si tratta di una patologia nascosta”.

Ecco alcuni dati, elaborati da un sondaggio svolto nel 2002 dalla sezione Salute mentale e benessere di Statistics Canada (Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), Ciclo 1.2):

Tre quarti dei canadesi (18,9 milioni) di età superiore ai 15 anni hanno speso denaro in qualche forma di gioco d’azzardo nel 2002.

Più di un canadese su 4 (il 27%) descrive se stesso “giocatore assiduo” e gioca d’azzardo almeno una volta la settimana.

La forma più diffusa di gioco d’azzardo è l’acquisto di biglietti della lotteria (lo fa il 65% della popolazione).

La spesa media nel gioco da parte dei canadesi di età superiore ai 18 anni è stata di 485 dollari a persona nel 2002, una cifra più che triplicata rispetto ai 190 dollari del 1992.

Circa il 62% dei giocatori d’azzardo problematici spende più di 1.000 dollari l’anno nel gioco.

I canadesi ritengono che il gioco sia un’attività accettabile e da sostenere in considerazione del fatto che è regolata dal governo. (

This page is also available in: Inglese, Arabo, Cinese, Somalo



Niagara Multilingual Prevention/Education Problem Gambling Program

905-378-4647 x32503
[email protected]

All our services are free and particular attention has been placed on confidentiality.

This page is also available in: English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Italian