
Myths and Misconceptions

  • Gamblers have flamboyant, carefree personalities. (Some are, but others are quiet, introverted, and serious minded)
  • Gamblers enjoy risks in all areas of their lives. (Some are big risk takers, others are conservative in personal habits and work)
  • If you don’t gamble daily, you’re not a problem or compulsive gambler
  • You can be addicted to an activity. (Gambling can change one’s mood by affecting the biochemistry of the brain much the same way as alcohol or drugs)
  • Gamblers are thieves and criminals.  (Not true, but some gamblers may resort to criminal behaviour in desperation)
  • A compulsive gambler will bet on anything. (Problem gamblers generally have preferences and are not tempted by every type of gambling)
  • All compulsive gamblers want to lose. (are addicted to the act of gambling –they would rather lose than be out of the action)
  • Compulsive gamblers are week-willed, otherwise they would simply stop.


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Question 1
Betting the same numbers for every lottery draw will help you win?
Question 1 Explanation: 
Nothing affects or improves your chances of winning because each number selection process is completely random. (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH, “Random Event Knowledge Test”, Turner 2000)
Question 2
Is bingo a game of skill?
Question 2 Explanation: 
Although skill plays a role in playing many bingo cards at the same time, winning cards are determined by a random selection of numbers.

(“Within Limits” Annual Campaign, 2006, Responsible Gambling Council of Ontario)

Question 3
Knowledge of mathematics can help you win at lotteries?
Question 3 Explanation: 
Knowledge of math can help you decide if you wish to play, but it cannot help you predict the winning numbers. (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH, “Random Event Knowledge Test”, Turner, 2000)
Question 4
Staying at the same slot machine improves your chances of winning?
Question 4 Explanation: 
Nothing affects your chances of winning because there is no action, on the part of the player, that will positively affect the outcome of a machine spin.

(Turner, N & Horbay, R. (2004). “How do slot machines and other electronics gambling machines actually work?”, Journal of Gambling Issues: eGambling)

There are 4 questions to complete.


Tenetevi informati

Qual è il problema nel gioco d’azzardo?

Il gioco d’azzardo potrebbe non sembrare un problema in Ontario. Le lotterie, i casinò con le slot machine, i bingo di beneficenza tematici, le scommesse su vari eventi sportivi e altri tipi di giochi d’azzardo costituiscono uno dei tanti modi, per molta gente, con cui tentare la sorte. Infatti, gli abitanti dell’Ontario provano la loro buona sorte attraverso l’industria multimiliardaria dei giochi nella provincia.

Per molti il gioco è un mezzo entusiasmante e rilassante per vincere un po’ di soldi o socializzare con gli amici. Per altri, però, il gioco diventa un’ossessione che finisce per distruggere la famiglia, le finanze, la vita lavorativa e quella sociale.

Quand’è che il gioco d’azzardo diventa un problema?

Se l’eccitazione della grande vincita diventa più importante del passare il tempo con le persone care, se il gioco influisce con le prestazioni lavorative, se i debiti non fanno che accumularsi e sembrano non poter essere ripagati mai, allora il gioco d’azzardo potrebbe essere diventato un problema.

Lo scopo di questo sito è di fornire informazioni su quello che viene definito “gioco d’azzardo problematico” e su come riconoscere segnali e sintomi dell’emergere di questo problema.

Cosa si può fare?

Mantenersi informati e imparare a distinguere

Prima di tutto, è bene informarsi sul gioco d’azzardo e comprendere la differenza tra il gioco d’azzardo vissuto come divertimento e quello che diventa una patologia.

Chiedere a se stessi

Si può fare uno dei test compresi in questo sito per vedere se voi stessi o qualcuno dei vostri cari potrebbe avere il problema del gioco d’azzardo.

Farsi aiutare

Superare una problematica legata al gioco d’azzardo potrebbe non essere semplice, ma ci sono buone probabilità di farcela! Imparate a giocare in modo sicuro e ad aiutare qualcuno dei vostri cari a mettere un limite al proprio gioco. Se non sapete a chi rivolgervi, questo sito multilingue è stato creato proprio per darvi risposte nella vostra lingua.



Niagara Multilingual Prevention/Education Problem Gambling Program

905-378-4647 x32503
[email protected]

All our services are free and particular attention has been placed on confidentiality.

This page is also available in: Inglese, Arabo, Cinese, Somalo


What are the Odds

The odds or chances of winning are very small. Odds are always against the bettor.

The “house” will always have the edge, and the more someone gambles, the more likely they will lose.

Your Big Chance:

Lotto 6/49:     1 in 14 million

Super 7:     1 in 21 million

So to win – you need to buy a ticket every day for 20,000 years

Slots machines, there are many different slots with varying jackpots and odds.  The payback on slot machines in Ontario  is 85% or better

The odds of winning the jackpot can vary from

1 in 4,096, or

1 in 33,554,00

Chance of being in a car accident or drowning:

1 in 20,000 

Dying from a flesh-eating bacteria disease

1 in 1 million

Being struck by lightening

1 in 240,000

Being killed by a venomous bite or sting

1 in 160,000 

Dying from failing down stairs or steps

1 in 6,330

Sources: British Columbia Partnership for Responsible Gambling;  Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. Lotteries;  COSTI Immigrant Services, “A Reference Manual on Problem Gambling for Newcomers Service Providers.”

Some people gamble because they think they can “beat the system” or because they feel lucky.

The laws of probability will ensure that if you do “get ahead”, you’ll eventually erase those gains if you keep playing.

Gambling Facts and Myths:

There are many myths about winning when you gamble.  According to the Responsible Gambling Council of Ontario, these are some of the more frequent ones:

Myth: I can see a pattern in the way the machine is paying out

Fact: Games are based on random event

Myth: If I keep playing, I will eventually win, get my money back

Fact: The longer one plays, the more one will lose

Myth: One has a better chance of winning at a slot machine by the entrance

Fact: Casinos have no control over the outcomes of the player’s game

Myth: I have discovered a winning system

Fact: People who have an inflated belief in their skills are a greater risk of developing a gambling problem.  They undervalue the impact of the things they can not control.


Tenetevi informati

Qual è il problema nel gioco d’azzardo?

Il gioco d’azzardo potrebbe non sembrare un problema in Ontario. Le lotterie, i casinò con le slot machine, i bingo di beneficenza tematici, le scommesse su vari eventi sportivi e altri tipi di giochi d’azzardo costituiscono uno dei tanti modi, per molta gente, con cui tentare la sorte. Infatti, gli abitanti dell’Ontario provano la loro buona sorte attraverso l’industria multimiliardaria dei giochi nella provincia.

Per molti il gioco è un mezzo entusiasmante e rilassante per vincere un po’ di soldi o socializzare con gli amici. Per altri, però, il gioco diventa un’ossessione che finisce per distruggere la famiglia, le finanze, la vita lavorativa e quella sociale.

Quand’è che il gioco d’azzardo diventa un problema?

Se l’eccitazione della grande vincita diventa più importante del passare il tempo con le persone care, se il gioco influisce con le prestazioni lavorative, se i debiti non fanno che accumularsi e sembrano non poter essere ripagati mai, allora il gioco d’azzardo potrebbe essere diventato un problema.

Lo scopo di questo sito è di fornire informazioni su quello che viene definito “gioco d’azzardo problematico” e su come riconoscere segnali e sintomi dell’emergere di questo problema.

Cosa si può fare?

Mantenersi informati e imparare a distinguere

Prima di tutto, è bene informarsi sul gioco d’azzardo e comprendere la differenza tra il gioco d’azzardo vissuto come divertimento e quello che diventa una patologia.

Chiedere a se stessi

Si può fare uno dei test compresi in questo sito per vedere se voi stessi o qualcuno dei vostri cari potrebbe avere il problema del gioco d’azzardo.

Farsi aiutare

Superare una problematica legata al gioco d’azzardo potrebbe non essere semplice, ma ci sono buone probabilità di farcela! Imparate a giocare in modo sicuro e ad aiutare qualcuno dei vostri cari a mettere un limite al proprio gioco. Se non sapete a chi rivolgervi, questo sito multilingue è stato creato proprio per darvi risposte nella vostra lingua.


الحصول على مساعدة

التعامل مع مشكلة القمار

إن احتمالات التغلّب على مشكلة المقامرة هي أفضل من احتمالات الفوز باليانصيب!

في بعض الحالات، يمكن أن  تُوقف مسؤولية المقامرة أنماط مشكلة المقامرة. إذا لم تتمكن من التعامل مع هذه المشكلة بنفسك، يمكن أن يساعدك الأهل والأصدقاء.

إذا كنت أنت، أو شخص ما يهمك أمره يحتاج إلى مساعدة وكنت لا تعرف إلى أين تتجه، يوجد وكالات ومنظمات يمكن أن تساعدك، في لغتك.

المصادر المحلية

  • برنامج وقاية نياجرا متعدد اللغات/ البرنامج التعليمي لمشكلة المقامرة (Niagara Multilingual Prevention/Education Problem Gambling Program)، خدمات معالجة الإدمان (Addiction Services)، نظام نياجرا الصحي (Niagara Health System): 4647-378-905 تحويلة رقم 4647
  • الموقع الإلكتروني:
  • هاثير سكوت (Heather Scott)، المدير الإقليمي، خدمات الصحة العقلية والإدمان (Mental Health  and Addictions Services): : 4647-378-905  تحويلة رقم
  • ميرا كينوزيز ألفونسو (Myra Quinonez-Alfonso)، منسقة البرنامج، برنامج وقاية نياجرا متعدد اللغات  (Niagara Multilingual Problem Gambling Program): 4647-378-905 تحويلة رقم 63849
  • برنامج معالجة المقامرة التابع لخدمات الإدمان في المجتمع المحلي نياجرا (Community Addiction Services Niagara):  1859-684-905
  • جمعية المدمنين على المقامرة في نياجرا (Gamblers’ Anonymous Niagara): 1616-351-905
  • الاستشارة الائتمانية في منطقة نياجرا(Credit Counseling of Regional Niagara) :9401-684-905
  • ·       برنامج جمعية الشبان المسيحيين لنشر الوعي عن المقامرة بين الشباب (YMCA-Youth Gambling Awareness Program, YGAP [email protected] 3500-684-905 تحويلة رقم 442)

المصادر المتوفرة في المقاطعة

  • خط المساعدة في مشكلة المقامرة في أونتاريو (Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline) إحالة على مدار 24 ساعة): 3505-230-888-1
  • خط الهاتف المجاني للاستشارة حول مشكلة المقامرة التابع لمركز الإدمان والصحة العقلية (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)): 4414-647-888-1
  • الخدمة متعددة اللغات للاستشارة حول مشكلة المقامرة التابع لمركز الإدمان والصحة العقلية
  • خدمة الاستشارة الائتمانية على مدار 24 ساعة: 2272-267-800-1

هل تحتاج إلى التحدث مع مهني متخصص؟

إذا كنت تشعر بأنك بحاجة إلى المساعدة المهنية للتعامل مع مشكلة القمار، يرجى الاتصال بالخدمات التالية المجانية والسرية:

  • برنامج معالجة المقامرة التابع لخدمات الإدمان في المجتمع المحلي نياجرا (Community Addiction Services Niagara) : 1859-684-905
  • جمعية المدمنين على المقامرة في نياجرا (Gamblers’ Anonymous Niagara) : 1616-351-905
  • الاستشارة الائتمانية في منطقة نياجرا(Credit Counseling of Regional Niagara) ::9401-684-905
  •  خط مساعدة التعامل مع مشكلة المقامرة في أونتاريو (Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline) (إحالة على مدار 24 ساعة): 3505-230-888-1

نصائح للعائلة والأصدقاء:

  • تعرف على العلامات!
  • اذهب واجلبهم (من الكازينو)
  • الدعم المعنوي
  • يكون رفيق للمقامر
  • ضع حدود للمقامر
  • الآباء/الأزواج
  • “لا مزيد من عمليات الإنقاذ”
  • التعقيدات القانونية والمالية – حذار من تمويل عمليات المشكلة بعمليات إنقاذ غير واقعية، والمساعدة القانونية، وما إلى ذلك – لا تسمح للمقامر بترهيبك
  • القضايا الحميمية/المسافة العاطفية والجسدية
  • الأطفال يبدو عليهم الشعور بالذنب والخجل (يبالغون في التقدير المادي للمال)
  • بيئة المقامرة تؤثر على نمو الأطفال – أكثر ميلاً للهروب من الواقع من خلال تعاطي المواد أو أساليب أخرى (جاكوبس (Jacobs)، 1989)
  • الطفل يأخذ دور الأم البديلة (ولاء للوالدين مقابل الكشف عن الحقيقة)
  • لا تختلق الأعذار للمقامر
  • أصر على الصدق
  • أقر بالمشكلة

مقامرة آمنة!

لا تسمح للمقامرة بالسيطرة على حياتك! إذا كنت تريد أن تقامر، فكّر باستراتيجيات القمار الذكية التالية.

  • قامر فقط للتسلية
  • ضع حد زمني للعب القمار
  • ضع ميزانية (الحدود المالية)
  • لا تقترض المال للمقامرة
  • لا تشتري فرصة
  • لا تأخذ بطاقات الائتمان لمكان المقامرة
  • لا تقامر وحدك
  • كن على علم بأن الخطر يزيد في أوقات الخسارة و/أو الاكتئاب

تصرّف، فكًر واشعر مثل الفائز!


  • تجنب أماكن المقامرة
  • انضم إلى نادي صحي
  • قم بتقطيع بطاقات الائتمان
  • ضع ميزانية
  • تحدث مع الأصدقاء من غير المقامرين
  • قم بتمارين الاسترخاء


  • تصيّد أفكار المقامرة
  • احتفظ بأهداف طويلة الأجل في ذهنك
  • خطط مسبقاً لعطلة نهاية الأسبوع
  • تذكّر أن الشهوات تمر
  • فكّر في العواقب المترتبة على المقامرة


  • تعرّف على المشاعر عند حدوثها
  • تذكر أن المشاعر هي شيء عادي
  • سجّل مشاعرك في دفتر يوميات
  • تحدث مع الزوج والأصدقاء عن المشاعر


This page is also available in: الإنجليزية, الصينية, الإيطالية, الصومالية



Niagara Multilingual Prevention/Education Problem Gambling Program

905-378-4647 x32503
[email protected]

All our services are free and particular attention has been placed on confidentiality.


Ethno-Cultural Groups

Gambling, Problem Gambling and Ethno-cultural Communities

In the process of working on this new initiative, we realized that the issue of problem gambling within ethno-cultural groups is very much an issue of access of culturally and linguistically appropriate services and also due to language barriers.

When we talk about ethno-cultural groups, we refer to minority ethno-cultural groups, when ethnicity applies to all groups. Ethnicity has many  multi-dimensional characteristics including nationality, religion, language spoken at home, culture and culture within own’s culture, traditions, social practices, customs, etc., as well as issues of self-identification, place of residence and personal definition of ethnicity.

As stated in the report “Dreaming the Numbers: Ethno-cultural gambling in Ontario (Lorne Tepperman et all, September 2004), “Culture and ethnicity are relevant to gambling behaviour trough culturally produced attitudes towards gambling.  Culture affects gambling patterns among members of a cultural group by affecting their ideas, traditions, social practices, customs and laws.  As members of a cultural group, we inherit and pass on culture trough our institutions, practices, technologies, art forms and modes of discourse” (Shweder 1991).  Thus culture affects nor only the availability of gambling facilities, but people’s attitudes and beliefs about gambling.  Culture determines the attitude and meaning that gambling has for its members, and in this way, culture affects the specific functions of gambling for different cultural groups (Abt et al 1985)


Sidee Ayeynu u Khamaarnaa?

Qaybaha Ciyaaraha:

Intooda badan ciyaaraha khamaarka kuwa ugu caansan waxa loo qaybin karaa saddex qaybood. Qaybuhu waxay ku salaysan yihiin sida ay natiijada ciyaartu nasiibka u tahay, iyo inta ciyaaryahanku maamuli karo doorashada natiijada.

  1. Nasiib ah oo Madaxbannaan (islotis, lootari, laadhuu, ruulet)
    Si nasiib ah loo helo, natiijooyinku ka madaxbannaan ciyaarta xigta
    Lama maamulo natiijada.
  2. Nasiib ah oo Tiirsane ah (kaadhadhka, bingo)
    Si nasiib ah loo helo, natiijooyinka inuun waa la saadaalin karaa.
    Natiijada waa la maamulaa.
  3. Aan-Nasiib Ahayn oo Tiirsane ah (sharatanka isboortiga)
    Waad garanaysaa waxa aad ku sharatamayso.
    Waxaad si uun u maamushaa natiijada.

Kooxaha Waawayn ee Ciyaaraha:



  • Awoodu waa muhiim
  • Sawirku waa muhiim
  • Sharadku waa badan yahay
  • Badanka ragga
  • Bulshayn
  • Bilaaba khamaarka xilli hore
  • Xakamayn leh, xirfad


  • Turub
  • Sharatanka Isboortiga
  • Tartanka faraska
  • Suuqa Badeecada
  • Dhulka
  • Kaadhadhka



  • Awoodu muhiim ma aha
  • Sawirku muhiim ma aha
  • Lacag yar kharasheeya
  • Badanka haweenka
  • Bulshayn muhiim ma aha
  • Baxsad, dhalanteed


  • Islotis
  • Lootariyo
  • Bingo
  • VLTs
  • Tigidhada Xoqista
  • Ruulet

This page is also available in: English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Italian



Niagara Multilingual Prevention/Education Problem Gambling Program

905-378-4647 x32503
[email protected]

All our services are free and particular attention has been placed on confidentiality.

This page is also available in: الإنجليزية, الصينية, الإيطالية, الصومالية