
Khamaarista, Balwadda Khamaarista iyo Beelaha Dhaqameed

Inta uu shaqaynayey mashruucan cusubi, waxa aanu aqoonsannay in arrinka balwadda khamaarista ee kooxaha dhaqameed aad u tahay arrin galaangal u yeelashada adeegyada dhaqan ahaan iyo luuqad ahaanba habboon iyo sidoo kale caqabadaha luuqadda.

Marka aynu ka hadlayno kooxaha dhaqameed, waxaan u jeednaa kooxo dhaqameedka tirada yar, marka sinjinimada lagu isticmaalo kooxaha oo dhan. sinjinimadu waxay leedahay sifooyin dhinacyo badan oo badan oo ay kujirto waddanka qofka u dhashay, diinta, luuqadda guriga lagaga hadlo, dhaqanka iyo dhaqanka kujira dhaqanka qof, caadooyinka, dabbakhaadaha bulsheed, caadooyinka soo jireenka ah, iwm., sidoo kale arrimaha is-aqoonsiga, meesha daganida iyo qeexista qof ahaaneed ee sinji ahaan.

Sida lagu sheegay warbixinta “Ku Riyooga Lambarrada; Khamaarista beelo dhaqameed Ontario dhexdeeda (Lorne Tepperman et all, Sibtambar 2004), “Dhaqanka iyo sinjinimadu waxay ula xidhiidhaan habdhaqanada khamaarista dabeecadaha dhaqan ahaan laga haysto khamaarista. Dhaqanku wuxuu saameeyaa khamaarista gudaha xubnaha koox dhaqameed isagoo saamaynaya afkaartooda, caadooyinka, dabbakhaadaha bulsho, caadooyinka soojireenka ah iyo shuruucda.

Xubno kamid ah koox dhaqameedka, waxaynu ku dhaxalnaa kuna gudbinaa dhaqamadeena ururadeena, waxqabadka, teknoolajiga, qaababka farshaxan iyo hababka qoraalka” (Shweder 1991).  Haddaba dhaqanku ma saameeyo kaliya jiritaanka xarumo khamaar, laakiin dabeecadaha dadka iyo waxa ay ka rumaysan yihiin khamaarka. Dhaqanku waxa uu go’aamiyaa dabeecadda iyo macnaha in khamaaristu ay leedahay xubnaheega, qaabkan ayaanu, dhaqanku u saameeyaa shaqooyinka gaarka ah ee khamaarka kooxo dhaqameed kala duwan (Abt et al 1985)

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Maxaynu markaa uga hadalnaa beelaha dhaqameed iyo khamaarista?

Beelaha dhaqameed way ku yar yihiin daawaynta khamaarka. Jiritaan la’aanta adeegyo la-talin oo dhaqan ahaan habboon, iyo sidoo kale arrinka luuqaddu waxay ka dhigan tahay in dadkan ayna galaangalkii la rabay u lahayn adeegyada markaana ay dhici karto inay ku sugan yihiin xaalad aad u nugul.

Marka la eego Tirakoobka 2006, (www.statscanadaCanada Kanada waxay soo dhawaysay in kabadan 14 milyan oo muhaajiriin ah ilaa 1901, wax ka badan 1 milyan waxay soo galeen 5 sanadood ee u dambeeyey. Tirada iyo boqolkiiba ajanabiga ku dhasha Kanada si joogto ah ayey u kordhayeen ilaa 1986. Toronto 45.7% kamid ah dadku waa ajaanib, in kabadan 200 oo sinjiyo kala duwan ah ayaana la soo tabiyey. Boqolkiiba inta ajanabiga ah sidoo kale waxay kordheen magaalooyinka, St. Catharines-Niagara 18.3%, London 19.3%, Kitchener 23.1% iyo Windsor 23.3%, Hamilton 24.4% , Guelph 20.4%, iwm. Ku darsiga xisaabta dimogaraafiyadan, waxa muhiim ah in laga fikiro baahiyaha beelahan marka la eego siinta adeegga balwadda khamaarka

Sida la sheegay 2004, Xarunta La-qabatinka iyo Caafimaadka Maskaxda, CAMH, “Warbixinta Qiimaynta Kala Duwanaashaha Baahiyaha Gobolka”, “saamiga dadka kooxo dhaqameed ee Ontario aad ayey u korodhay, adeegyada dhaqan iyo luuqadda ahaan habboon wali waa tiro yar yihiin. Beelo dhaqameedka kala duwan waxay sidoo kale leeyihiin waxyaabo ay rumaysan yihiin dabeecado kala duwan xagga caafimaadka maskaxda, dhibaatooyinka caafimaadka maskaxda iyo isticmaalka daroogada, iyo fikrado kala duwan waxa keena daawayn habboon. Afkaarta Galbeedka ee ku saabsan dhibaatooyinka caafimaadka maskaxda iyo la-qabatinka aalaaba laguma isticmaalo dadka kasoo jeeda dhaqamada kale. Kaqaybqaate beesha Ruwaandha ka socda ayaa sharraxay, “Ma jirto fikrad caafimaadka maskaxda beeshayada… waxaana jira eray-bixin la-qabatin”. Kaqaybqaatayaal ah koox gooni u eegta waxay dooneen inay u adeegaan kooxo dhaqameedyo kala duwan… iyo sidoo kale horumarinta qaabab luuqad ahaan gaar ah dhaqan ahaana habboon oo dadkan loogu talagalay.”

Hase yeeshee, korodhka goobaha khamaarka dartii ee Kanada iyo adduunka, cilmi-baadhis ku saabsan khamaarka iyo beelaha dhaqameed waa lagama maarmaan. Intii lagu jiray sannadadii dhawaa, waxaanu aragnay xoogsaaris wayn ee balwadda khamaarka iyo xubnaha beelo dhaqameedyo kala duwan iyo qoysaskooda.

Meey 2001, Xarunta Cilmi-baadhista Khamaarista Ontario (OPGRC) waxay ku abaalmarisay $1.6 milyan cilmi-baadhis shiishka saaraysay dadka gaarka ah, oo ay kujiraan kooxo dhaqameedyadu. Ururo kala duwan sida Adeegyada Muhaajirka COSTI, Xarunta La-qabatinka iyo Caafimaadka Maskaxda, CAMH, iyo Xarunta Cilmi-baadhista Balwadda Khamaarka Ontario ayaa ka fuliyey cilmi-baadhis beelo dhaqameedyada kala duwan. Qofku wuxuu ka heli karaa “Xallinta Balwadda Khamaarka beelaha Dhaqameed Toronto iyo Winsor/Degmada Essex iyo Baadhista Fahamada Dhaqameed ( iyo “Dabaceedaha iyo Waxyaabaha laga Rumaysan Yahay Khamaarka iyo Balwadda Khamaarka Beelaha Hisbaaniga, Boolishka, Bortoqiiska, Bunjaabiga, Taamilka iyo Fiitnaamka Mandaqadda Torontada Wayn” warbixinada dhammeystiran, asagoo ku xidhmaya Xarunta Cilmi-baadhista Balwadda Khamaarka Ontario (  iyo ama Adeegyada Muhaajirka COSTI (

Natiiyoonka cilmi-baadhista sare ku xusan waxay noqon doonaan caawimo wayn si looga adkaado madhnaashaha macluumaad ee la xidhiidha kooxo dhaqameedyada iyo khamaarista. Macluumaad badan wuxuu kuu horseedi karaa horumarinta dabbakhaado fiican, dhaqan ahaan iyo luuqadda ahaan qiimaynta iyo daawyanta balwadda khamaarka dadwaynaha kooxo dhaqameed.

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Tenetevi informati

Qual è il problema nel gioco d’azzardo?

Il gioco d’azzardo potrebbe non sembrare un problema in Ontario. Le lotterie, i casinò con le slot machine, i bingo di beneficenza tematici, le scommesse su vari eventi sportivi e altri tipi di giochi d’azzardo costituiscono uno dei tanti modi, per molta gente, con cui tentare la sorte. Infatti, gli abitanti dell’Ontario provano la loro buona sorte attraverso l’industria multimiliardaria dei giochi nella provincia.

Per molti il gioco è un mezzo entusiasmante e rilassante per vincere un po’ di soldi o socializzare con gli amici. Per altri, però, il gioco diventa un’ossessione che finisce per distruggere la famiglia, le finanze, la vita lavorativa e quella sociale.

Quand’è che il gioco d’azzardo diventa un problema?

Se l’eccitazione della grande vincita diventa più importante del passare il tempo con le persone care, se il gioco influisce con le prestazioni lavorative, se i debiti non fanno che accumularsi e sembrano non poter essere ripagati mai, allora il gioco d’azzardo potrebbe essere diventato un problema.

Lo scopo di questo sito è di fornire informazioni su quello che viene definito “gioco d’azzardo problematico” e su come riconoscere segnali e sintomi dell’emergere di questo problema.

Cosa si può fare?

Mantenersi informati e imparare a distinguere

Prima di tutto, è bene informarsi sul gioco d’azzardo e comprendere la differenza tra il gioco d’azzardo vissuto come divertimento e quello che diventa una patologia.

Chiedere a se stessi

Si può fare uno dei test compresi in questo sito per vedere se voi stessi o qualcuno dei vostri cari potrebbe avere il problema del gioco d’azzardo.

Farsi aiutare

Superare una problematica legata al gioco d’azzardo potrebbe non essere semplice, ma ci sono buone probabilità di farcela! Imparate a giocare in modo sicuro e ad aiutare qualcuno dei vostri cari a mettere un limite al proprio gioco. Se non sapete a chi rivolgervi, questo sito multilingue è stato creato proprio per darvi risposte nella vostra lingua.


Why then talk about Ethno/Multicultural Communities and gambling?

Ethno-cultural communities are under-represented in gambling treatment. The lack of appropriate culturally sensitive counselling services, as well as the issue of language means that these populations don’t have equal access to services and therefore they may be in a more vulnerable situation.

According to the 2006 Census, (www.statscanadaCanada has welcomed more than 14 million immigrants since 1901, over 1 million arriving in the last 5 years.  The  number and percentage of foreign born in Canada has steadily increased since 1986.  In Toronto 45.7% of the population are foreign born and over 200 different ethnic groups were reported.  The percentage of foreign  born also increased in other cities, in St. Catharines-Niagara 18.3%, London 19.3%, Kitchener 23.1% and Windsor 23.3%, Hamilton 24.4% , Guelph 20.4%, etc. Taking into consideration these demographics, it is important to consider the needs of these communities in regards problem gambling service delivery.

As stated in the 2004, Centre for Addictions and Mental Health, CAMH, “Provincial Diversity Needs Assessment Report”,  “the proportion of diverse ethnocultural/ethnoracial populations in Ontario has increased significantly, culturally and linguistically appropriate services are still few in number.  Diverse ethnocultural/ethnoracial communities often have different beliefs and attitudes toward mental health, mental health problem and substance use, and different opinions about what constitutes an appropriate model of treatment.  Western ideas about mental health problems and addiction are not always applicable to people from other cultural backgrounds.  A participant from the Rwandan community explains, “There is no concept of mental health in our community…. And there is terminology for addiction”.  Focus group participants wanted outreach to diverse ethnocultural/ethnoracial groups… as well as the development of language-specific and culturally sensitive approaches for these populations.”

However, due to the increase in gambling venues in Canada and globally, more research on gambling and ethno-cultural communities is necessary. During the recent years, we have seen a great emphasis regarding problem gambling and members of different ethno-cultural communities and their families.  As of May 2001, the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre (OPGRC) has awarded $1.6 million for research focusing on special populations., including ethno-cultural groups. Various organizations such as COSTI Immigrant Services, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH, and the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre have conducted research among different ethno-cultural communities.   One can have access to “Addressing Problem Gambling in Toronto and Windsor/Essex County Ethnic communities and Exploration of Cultural Perceptions ( and “Attitudes and Beliefs Regarding Gambling and Problem Gambling in the Hispanic, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Tamil and Vietnamese Communities in the Greater Toronto Area” full reports, by linking the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre (  and or COSTI Immigrant Services (

The results of the above mentioned research will be a great help to overcome the information gap regarding ethno-cultural groups and gambling.   More information will hopefully lead to the development of better, culturally and linguistically effective practices for the assessment and treatment of problem gambling for ethno-cultural populations.


How do we gamble?

Categories of Games

Most popular gambling games can put into three categories. The categories are based on how random the outcome of the game is, and how much control the player has in choosing an outcome.

  1. Random and Independent (slots, lotteries, dice, roulette)
    Randomly generated, results independent of the next play
    There is no control over the outcome. 
  2. Random and Dependent (cards, bingo)
    Randomly generated, results are somewhat foreseeable.
    The outcome is controlled.
  3. Non-random and Dependent (sports betting)
    You know what you’re betting on.
    You have some sense of control about the outcome.

Major Groups of Games



  • Power is important
  • Image is important
  • Bets are higher
  • Generally men
  • Socialization
  • Starts gambling earlier in life
  • Sense of control, skill


  • Poker
  • Sports betting
  • Horse racing
  • Stock Market
  • Real Estate
  • Cards



  • Power not important
  • Image not important
  • Little money to spend
  • Generally women
  • Socialization not important
  • Escape, fantasy


  • Slots
  • Lotteries
  • Bingo
  • VLTs
  • Scratch Tickets
  • Roulette


What is Problem Gambling

Problem gambling is any type of gambling that compromises, disrupts, or damages your personal, family, working and social relationships, as well as your financial situation.  It also has a great effect on the individual’s physical, emotional and mental health.

The Canadian Problem Gambling Index, in its final report, defines problem gambling as:

Problem gambling is gambling behaviour that creates negative consequences for the gambler, others in his or her social network, or for the community.

Problem gambling has a serious impact on not only the gambler, but also on family members, friends and co-workers.

Gamblers Anonymous define problem gambling as:

Any betting or wagering, for self or other whether for money or not, no matter how slight or insignificant, where the outcome is uncertain or depend upon chance or skill constitutes gambling.

Gambling Problem Gambling
  • Risking something of value
  • One realizes that something is at risk
  • Understanding that when the bet is done, is irreversible
  • Outcome is determine by chance
  • A pattern of gambling behaviour which compromises, disrupts and damages family, personal and/or professional life
  • Spends money in a way that is harmful to the person
  • May also harm people around them including family, spouse, friends


Ethno-Cultural Groups

Gambling, Problem Gambling and Ethno-cultural Communities

In the process of working on this new initiative, we realized that the issue of problem gambling within ethno-cultural groups is very much an issue of access of culturally and linguistically appropriate services and also due to language barriers.

When we talk about ethno-cultural groups, we refer to minority ethno-cultural groups, when ethnicity applies to all groups. Ethnicity has many  multi-dimensional characteristics including nationality, religion, language spoken at home, culture and culture within own’s culture, traditions, social practices, customs, etc., as well as issues of self-identification, place of residence and personal definition of ethnicity.

As stated in the report “Dreaming the Numbers: Ethno-cultural gambling in Ontario (Lorne Tepperman et all, September 2004), “Culture and ethnicity are relevant to gambling behaviour trough culturally produced attitudes towards gambling.  Culture affects gambling patterns among members of a cultural group by affecting their ideas, traditions, social practices, customs and laws.  As members of a cultural group, we inherit and pass on culture trough our institutions, practices, technologies, art forms and modes of discourse” (Shweder 1991).  Thus culture affects nor only the availability of gambling facilities, but people’s attitudes and beliefs about gambling.  Culture determines the attitude and meaning that gambling has for its members, and in this way, culture affects the specific functions of gambling for different cultural groups (Abt et al 1985)


Types of Gamblers

Doctor Robert Custer identifies six types of gamblers:

  1. Professional: skilled, able to control
  2. Anti-Social or Criminal: use gambling to cheat, involved In illegal activities
  3. Casual Social: recreation and excitement, for win, loss is the cost of entertainment
  4. Serious Social: gambling main form of recreation but it is second to family and vacation
  5. Relief/Escape: to find relief from anxiety, depression, anger
  6. Compulsive: consists of four features: it is at the end of the continuum):
    • Progression: can’t stop, bets go up; will continue gambling as long as they have funds.  Time spent gambling increases.
    • Intolerance of losing, when losses occur, the compulsive gambler “chases” the lost money. Losses are concealed from family members and lying becomes a major element in the gambling cycle.
    • Preocupation: Thoughts about gambling become a constant obsession.
    • Disregard for consequences: During this final stage, forgery, thefts and embezzlement are common.  Despite these illegal acts, the gambler intends to score a big win and set everything right.



Developing effective practices for ethno-cultural groups

According to the “Provincial Diversity Needs Assessment Report, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH, 2004 report, service providers across the province indicated that many clients do not receive the health care they need, this problem is even worse for diverse communities, because of their unique needs and the additional systematic barriers they face in accessing services… most agencies that provide settlement services to new immigrants and refugees do not have the capacity to recognize and deal with clients’ mental health and/or addiction problems.  In addition, service providers often have difficulty referring non-English speaking clients for treatment, because very few facilities provide interpreters and/or programs and services in languages other than English.

In the same report, the shortage of culturally competent health care professionals, as well a general lack of cross-cultural understanding as a significant barrier to accessing services was indicated, participants in focus groups pointed out that there is relatively few primary health care workers and professional trained in regards diversity and cultural differences.  They also stated the need of appropriately trained doctors, nurses and other health care professionals.  Members of ethno-racial and cultural diverse communities indicated that their cultural and linguistic needs are not acknowledged or taken into consideration in the provision of treatment or services.  Most felt the need to express themselves, in their own language and in a culturally appropriate environment, to health professionals who could understand and respond in their language.  Many focus groups viewed racism and homophobia not only as significant barriers to service access but also as major contributors to lack of care, to inappropriate and improper care, and indeed directly to an increase in addiction and mental health problems.  Racism was identified as one of the barriers that prevent members of ethno-racial and cultural diverse populations from accessing mainstream services.

It was also noted in the above mention report by focus group participants, that in communities where casinos operate, there s an increased in mental health and addiction problems, with few new resources to address them.  Participants also noted the lack of community leadership, cohesion and inclusiveness, lack of funding and low policy priority, as well as lack of attention to social determinants of mental health and addiction affecting diverse communities.

To reduce gaps in services, the following are some of the recommendations that most focus groups participants noted were more important:

  • Provide culturally and linguistically appropriate programs and services and resources
  • Development of  more specific materials that are culturally appropriate, clearly written, removing clinical jargon, and in different languages, to inform diverse community about mental health and addiction education and services
  • The use of community radio, videotapes, cable TV, churches and religious institutions, as important routes for education, health promotion and communication.
  • Provide alternative approaches to mental health and addition services, such acupuncture, yoga, meditation, etc. vs too westernized and medication-focused existing programs
  • Re-train and hire foreign-trained physicians and other professionals
  • Share information among service providers that pertains to diversity, including inter-community best practices
  • Develop public awareness and media campaigns to reduce stigma in diverse communities.
  • Reach out and engage in partnerships with ethno-racial and cultural diverse populations

As A. Blaszczynski, concludes in his article “Gambling Problems in a Multicultural Society”, of a research done in Australia, “In order to achieve better outcomes for ethnic clients, therapists must accommodate cultural differences and specific cultural needs of ethnic clients.  The cultural background of ethnic clients provides hem with a context for actions and interactions with other.  This context will have embedded in it culturally based beliefs, values, attitudes and role requirements.  Awareness of the influence of culture will allow therapists to gain more relevant information from ethnic clients by asking more appropriate questions and allow for more culturally appropriate interventions.”

These practices must include:

  • Outreach
  • Developing partnerships and/or coalitions
  • Prevention and awareness programs
  • Counselling in various languages
  • Language- specific publications
  • Increased collaboration with service agencies working specifically with ethno-cultural groups, especially with Multicultural Centres and/or settlement service agencies. Groups in Ontario

In my successful working experience with members of ethno-cultural communities and their families, I have learned that attitude is more important than knowledge.   Our attitude can open the doors to connect and create a bond with our clients in receiving the message properly and engage in treatment, or it can block communication at both ends.  It is essential to form an essential culturally competent relationship with our clients.  Learn about your individual clients customs such as eye contact, greetings, what is permissible and what it is not, and how is the family decision making process.  Working in partnership and/or very closely with ethno-cultural communities is a key element for developing effective and alternative mental health practices to address the issue of problem gambling.  Building successful and lifetime alliances with ethno-cultural clubs and organizations, Multicultural Centres and other agencies serving newcomers are very important to build trust and be able to engage members of these communities

These are Tips that I used when working with members of ethno-cultural communities

  • Have a map of the world
  • Learn about your own culture and ethnicity
  • Enhance your office space with poster/articles/ornaments from other cultures
  • Speak with clear and simple language
  • Be aware of your body language
  • Be aware of your client’s body language
  • Introduce yourself 
  • Place special attention to your client name
  • Place strong emphasis on confidentiality
  • Avoid gambling and/or medical lingo, abbreviations, 
  • Be aware about your own biases and fears
  • Be respectful always
  • Be flexible
  • Show patience
  • If need be, please allow the presence of another family member in the counselling session, just as a support party, not as an Interpreter

If there is need to use an Interpreter, always look for the Interpreter Services and or Cultural Interpreting Services in your community.  These professionals are highly qualified, abide by a code of ethics, and most likely their particular language is their mother tongue, which will benefit the dynamics of the session.  Their role is to facilitate accurate communication between people of different languages and cultures. Avoid using family members, friends, or people who work in your organization and that have the language but not the training, certification, competence, fidelity, and impartiality as a Certified Interpreter.  This practice can cause confusion, waste of time, and extra stress for the client and service provider.  Place strong  emphasis in the confidentiality of the services.

Please follow the below guidelines when using an Interpreter

  • Make sure you have your client’s permission to use and Interpreter
  • Meet with Interpreter and/or Cultural Interpreter in advance to clarify roles
  • Allow extra time for session
  • Speak directly to your client
  • Speak clearly and in shot sentences using plain language
  • Avoid the use of jargon, Abbreviations or acronyms
  • Provide clarification and explanation
  • Make sure that the message that you intent to convey is understood
  • Try to use alternative, inclusive holistic approaches to treatment
  • When using assessment tools, remember that some people may have subjected in the past to interrogation methods, and being questioning may increase stress and fear
  • Make sure that client understood time and date of next meeting
  • At all times and circumstances be respectful
  • Thank your Interpreter and client
  • Debrief session with Interpreter after client is gone, if need be
  • Evaluate your session
  • Evaluate yourself
  • Provide professional training and resources focusing in education in cultural competency anti-racism and diversity issues as part of in-service and professional development opportunities.


Tipi di giocatori

Il dott. Robert Custer identifica sei tipi di giocatori:

  1. Professionista: capace, in grado di controllarsi
  2. Anti-Sociale o Criminale: usa il gioco d’azzardo per delinquere, coinvolto in attività criminali
  3. Sociale: cerca divertimento e ricreazione per vincere, considera la perdita di denaro come il costo dell’intrattenimento
  4. Sociale assiduo: il gioco d’azzardo è la sua forma principale di ricreazione ma viene dopo la famiglia e le vacanze
  5. Sollievo/Fuga dalla realtà: con il gioco cerca sollievo da ansia, depressione, rabbia
  6. Compulsivo: in lui convivono tutte e quattro le seguenti caratteristiche; è alla fine un percorso di aggravamento:
    • Progressione: non può fermarsi, il gioco prende sempre di più il sopravvento; continuerà a giocare finché ne avrà i mezzi. Il tempo passato a giocare aumenta.
    • Intolleranza alle perdite: quando perde, il giocatore compulsivo cerca di recuperare i soldi persi. Le perdite vengono nascoste ai familiari e la menzogna diventa un fattore fondamentale nel ciclo del giocatore.
    • Ossessione: il pensiero del gioco diventa un’ossessione costante.
    • Incuria per le conseguenze: in questa fase finale, il giocatore ricorre a truffe, furti e appropriazioni indebite. A fronte di questi comportamenti illegali, il giocatore insegue la grande vincita che gli consenta di rimettere tutto a posto.


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