

Niagara Multilingual Prevention/Education Problem Gambling Program

905-378-4647 x32503
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All our services are free and particular attention has been placed on confidentiality.

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Cos’è il gioco d’azzardo problematico?

Il gioco d’azzardo problematico è qualunque tipo di gioco d’azzardo che comprometta, distrugga o danneggi le relazioni personali, familiari, professionali e sociali di chi lo pratica, oltre a comprometterne la situazione finanziaria. Ha un grave effetto sulla salute fisica, emotiva e mentale dell’individuo.

L’indice canadese sul gioco d’azzardo problematico (Canadian Problem Gambling Index), nel suo rapporto conclusivo definisce il gioco d’azzardo problematico così:

Il gioco d’azzardo problematico è un comportamento di gioco che crea conseguenze negative per il giocatore, per le persone che fanno parte della sua rete sociale e per la comunità.

Il gioco d’azzardo problematico ha un impatto grave non soltanto per il giocatore ma anche per i membri della sua famiglia, per gli amici e i colleghi di lavoro.

L’associazione giocatori anonimi (Gamblers Anonymous) definisce così il gioco d’azzardo:

Qualunque tipo di scommessa o gioco, per sé o per altri, per soldi o per altro, per quanto modesto possa essere il valore coinvolto, in cui l’esito è incerto o dipende dalla sorte o dall’abilità.

Gioco d’azzardo Gioco d’azzardo problematico
  • Si rischia qualcosa di valore in un gioco in cui c’è un perdente e un vincente
  • La persona è consapevole che sta mettendo qualcosa a rischio
  • Comprende che una volta fatta la scommessa o la puntata, questa è irrevocabile
  • Sa che il risultato è casuale
  • Un comportamento di gioco che compromette e danneggia la vita familiare, personale e/o lavorativa
  • La persona spende denaro in un modo che è dannoso per lei
  • Può danneggiare anche le persone accanto a lei, come familiari e amici


This page is also available in: Inglese, Arabo, Cinese, Somalo


How Long Does Wax Pen Stay in Your Urine?

If you use wax pens frequently, news of an upcoming drug test probably gives you the chills. It’s scary, except, of course, you know all you need to pass your drug test, and you’re confident your results will come back negative.

Otherwise, you’ll be on the lookout for a fast way to get weed out of system. You’ve probably asked yourself questions like, “How long does wax last? Will a dab pen show up in a drug test? If it does, how then do you pass a drug test? Well, here’s what you should know about wax vape pens and drug tests, especially if you’re looking to pass one.

wax pen and quick fix synthetic urine

What Is a Wax Pen?

A wax pen is a vaporizing pen that uses battery-powered coils to convert non-liquid THC concentrates into vapor. Wax pens are portable and easy to use, making cannabis use super easy and discreet.

Dabbing and Dab Pens

Dabbing simply describes vaporizing cannabis concentrates (like wax) with the help of a dab rig. Dab rigs have been used over the years for vaping cannabis, although the limitation remains that they are tabletop devices and aren’t as mobile. Today, dab pens solve the problem of portability as they are more portable (near the size of a pen). Dab pens make it possible and extremely easy to vape cannabis anywhere and anytime. Thus, they are fast gaining ground among cannabis users.

Vape Pens

A vape pen is a battery-powered tool used to vaporize and then inhale an essential oil or liquid. This could be CBD oil or a liquid cannabis extract.

Pros of Wax Pens

Wax pens are fast becoming the popular choice among cannabis users, and for good reasons too. Here are some of the advantages of wax pens.

1. Portable

A major pro of wax pens is their size. Dab pens and wax pens are much smaller than tabletop dab rigs, making them a more convenient option for mobility and carriage..

2. Almost Odorless

Apart from being small, wax pens are designed to keep vaping a discreet affair. They are practically odorless, making them a great choice for vaping on the go..

3. Allows a variety of concentrates

Wax pens are usable with a wide range of cannabis extracts. So whether you’re looking to vape shatter, budder, or rosin, a wax pen would do the job..

4. Temperature control

A wax pen allows you to fine-tune its temperature to a comfortable level. This control comes in handy, especially when vaping concentrates that require a higher temperature..

5. Rechargeable

Wax pens come with rechargeable batteries, making them an easy travel buddy. They also offer replaceable parts should there be any form of damage.

Cons of Wax Pens

Wax pens are generally more expensive and require more cleaning and maintenance care.

Wax Pen vs. Dab Pen

Wax pens and dab pens are terms often used interchangeably to mean the same thing because, at the very core, there is no difference between the two. However, they differ in material and features.


  • Both wax and dab pens have handy temperature controls.
  • Both use a variety of waxy concentrates.
  • They are both portables.
  • Both are great for users who enjoy the vaping process and not merely the result.
  • They both require intentional cleaning and maintenance.

Slight Difference

The only subtle difference between a wax pen and a dab pen is that the wax in a wax pen is heated in its inner chamber, from where it is vaporized and then inhaled by the user. A dab pen, however, requires that the dab be melted to a wick upon heating on its inner coil, after which it is vaporized and ready to be inhaled by its user.

Comparing Wax Pens, Dab Pens and Vape Pens

This table gives a comparison summary of wax pens, dab pens, and vape pens.

Wax pens Dab pens Vape pens
Concentrate used Wax, budder, shatter, live, resin, crumble, etc. Wax, budder, shatter, Oils, resins, and distillates.
Temperature range Most have a  temperature range of up to 300 to 700 degrees Fahrenheit Most have a  temperature range of up to 300 to 700 degrees Fahrenheit Most vape pens have a temperature range of 350 to 600 degrees Fahrenheit
Battery life It may vary by brand but typically lasts 5-10 sessions It may vary by brand but typically lasts 5-10 sessions It may vary by brand but typically lasts 5-10 sessions
Convenience It is best for users with some vaping experience It is best for users with some vaping experience It is suitable for first-time vapers

Will a Dab Pen Show Up in a Drug Test?

Yes. However, the exact duration of detection depends on the frequency of use and other factors. a Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the cannabinoid compound responsible for the high felt when you consume cannabis. Upon intake, THC is broken into several metabolites. Drug tests often look out for THC-COOH, a prominent metabolite of THC.

How Long Does Wax Stay in Your System?

This is a question that often poses a lot of confusion. There are various types of drug tests, each with a varying detection window. So, there is no fixed answer. However, how long marijuana lasts in your system depends on several factors.

Wax Concentration or Marijuana Strain

The THC concentration of your wax plays a major role in how long THC remains in your system. As a rule of thumb, the higher the THC concentration in your wax or vape oil, the longer it’ll last in your system. Certain marijuana strains are also stronger than others. So, the higher the potency, the longer it lasts in your system.

Generally, THC wax or vape oil has a higher THC concentration than cannabis flowers. You could get a wax with as low as 40% THC concentrate or as high as 90%. If you decide to get the latter, prepare for a longer detection window.

Frequency of Use

Are you a one-time, frequent, or heavy wax pen user? When it comes to cannabis use, whether it’s pills, edibles, or dabs, the more often you take pot, the longer its metabolites stay in your body. If you only use a vape pen once in a while, your body can easily process it, and its natural detox mechanism can get rid of the metabolites deposited in your body. However, when you take in THC frequently, drug metabolites will be stored in your system as your body cannot get rid of them quickly.

Lifestyle and Genetics

Genetics plays a crucial role in all system activities, including how fast THC is expelled from the body. THC is metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP) complex enzymes in the liver. Variants of some enzymes in the body boost the elimination of marijuana from the body. The concentration of these enzymes is largely dependent on hereditary factors.

Body Mass Index and Body Fat Percentage

THC is fat-soluble and binds to the adipose tissue in the body. As such, people with higher body fat percentages are likely to have wax stay in their system for longer than people with lower body fat percentages.

Health Factors and Metabolism Rate

Once THC is taken into your system, your body takes time to break it down and get rid of its metabolites as it does with other toxins. How fast it does this is determined by the metabolism rate of your body. If you’re healthy and agile, you’re likely to metabolize THC faster than an unhealthy individual. Factors like age and gender may also impact how waxpen last in your system.

General Estimates: How long does wax stay in your system? How long does it take to get weed out of system?

The answers to these questions will vary from person to person depending on the earlier discussed factors. However, here is a rough estimate of how long THC stays in the system.


One-time wax pen vapes may only be detectable in urine tests for a few days, usually 2–5 days. A urine test may detect THC in light and moderate users if the test is taken within 13 days of drug use. However, for heavy users, THC metabolites may remain in the body long after the user has stopped, up to 30 days or more.


Usually, a wax pen can only be detected in the blood samples of light users if the test is taken within 12 hours of vaping and 24 hours of vaping for moderate users. However, if you’re not in optimal health or vape THC frequently, the detection window may be longer, lasting many weeks.


If you’re a light or one-time wax pen user with an impending drug test, you only have to worry for about 12 hours after use. Meanwhile, THC is detectable for up to 24 hours in moderate wax pens. Heavy users, however, may retain THC metabolites in their system for one to four weeks after the last use.


Hair follicle tests generally have the longest detection timeframe relative to other drug tests. THC may be detected in a one-time or light wax pen user up to 7 days after use. In moderate to heavy dab and wax drug users, THC may be detected for up to 90 days.

Can I increase my metabolism rate naturally as a fast way to get weed out of my system?

When addressing metabolism solely, there isn’t much you can do to help. Taking adequate water, exercising, and eating healthy may help. However, they do not result in any drastic results.

What’s the best way to remove wax pens from the system when dealing with drug addiction?

The best approach to removing cannabis from your system is to go through addiction recovery. An addiction treatment program is designed to help your body detox safely. Beyond that, addiction recovery programs also address underlying issues that may cause you to relapse.

Final Thoughts

If you’re a wax pen user looking to pass a drug test, having an answer to the question “how long does weed stay in your system?” is key to passing your test. Before going for your drug test, take a minute to carry out in-depth research on your drug test. Thereafter, stay away from drugs and help your body detox. Finally, get a home drug test kit beforehand. That way, you give yourself the best chance of passing your drug test.


Types of Gamblers

Doctor Robert Custer identifies six types of gamblers:

  1. Professional: skilled, able to control
  2. Anti-Social or Criminal: use gambling to cheat, involved In illegal activities
  3. Casual Social: recreation and excitement, for win, loss is the cost of entertainment
  4. Serious Social: gambling main form of recreation but it is second to family and vacation
  5. Relief/Escape: to find relief from anxiety, depression, anger
  6. Compulsive: consists of four features: it is at the end of the continuum):
    • Progression: can’t stop, bets go up; will continue gambling as long as they have funds.  Time spent gambling increases.
    • Intolerance of losing, when losses occur, the compulsive gambler “chases” the lost money. Losses are concealed from family members and lying becomes a major element in the gambling cycle.
    • Preocupation: Thoughts about gambling become a constant obsession.
    • Disregard for consequences: During this final stage, forgery, thefts and embezzlement are common.  Despite these illegal acts, the gambler intends to score a big win and set everything right.



Myths and Misconceptions

  • Gamblers have flamboyant, carefree personalities. (Some are, but others are quiet, introverted, and serious minded)
  • Gamblers enjoy risks in all areas of their lives. (Some are big risk takers, others are conservative in personal habits and work)
  • If you don’t gamble daily, you’re not a problem or compulsive gambler
  • You can be addicted to an activity. (Gambling can change one’s mood by affecting the biochemistry of the brain much the same way as alcohol or drugs)
  • Gamblers are thieves and criminals.  (Not true, but some gamblers may resort to criminal behaviour in desperation)
  • A compulsive gambler will bet on anything. (Problem gamblers generally have preferences and are not tempted by every type of gambling)
  • All compulsive gamblers want to lose. (are addicted to the act of gambling –they would rather lose than be out of the action)
  • Compulsive gamblers are week-willed, otherwise they would simply stop.


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Question 1
Betting the same numbers for every lottery draw will help you win?
Question 1 Explanation: 
Nothing affects or improves your chances of winning because each number selection process is completely random. (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH, “Random Event Knowledge Test”, Turner 2000)
Question 2
Is bingo a game of skill?
Question 2 Explanation: 
Although skill plays a role in playing many bingo cards at the same time, winning cards are determined by a random selection of numbers.

(“Within Limits” Annual Campaign, 2006, Responsible Gambling Council of Ontario)

Question 3
Knowledge of mathematics can help you win at lotteries?
Question 3 Explanation: 
Knowledge of math can help you decide if you wish to play, but it cannot help you predict the winning numbers. (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH, “Random Event Knowledge Test”, Turner, 2000)
Question 4
Staying at the same slot machine improves your chances of winning?
Question 4 Explanation: 
Nothing affects your chances of winning because there is no action, on the part of the player, that will positively affect the outcome of a machine spin.

(Turner, N & Horbay, R. (2004). “How do slot machines and other electronics gambling machines actually work?”, Journal of Gambling Issues: eGambling)

There are 4 questions to complete.






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Qual è il problema nel gioco d’azzardo?

Il gioco d’azzardo potrebbe non sembrare un problema in Ontario. Le lotterie, i casinò con le slot machine, i bingo di beneficenza tematici, le scommesse su vari eventi sportivi e altri tipi di giochi d’azzardo costituiscono uno dei tanti modi, per molta gente, con cui tentare la sorte. Infatti, gli abitanti dell’Ontario provano la loro buona sorte attraverso l’industria multimiliardaria dei giochi nella provincia.

Per molti il gioco è un mezzo entusiasmante e rilassante per vincere un po’ di soldi o socializzare con gli amici. Per altri, però, il gioco diventa un’ossessione che finisce per distruggere la famiglia, le finanze, la vita lavorativa e quella sociale.

Quand’è che il gioco d’azzardo diventa un problema?

Se l’eccitazione della grande vincita diventa più importante del passare il tempo con le persone care, se il gioco influisce con le prestazioni lavorative, se i debiti non fanno che accumularsi e sembrano non poter essere ripagati mai, allora il gioco d’azzardo potrebbe essere diventato un problema.

Lo scopo di questo sito è di fornire informazioni su quello che viene definito “gioco d’azzardo problematico” e su come riconoscere segnali e sintomi dell’emergere di questo problema.

Cosa si può fare?

Mantenersi informati e imparare a distinguere

Prima di tutto, è bene informarsi sul gioco d’azzardo e comprendere la differenza tra il gioco d’azzardo vissuto come divertimento e quello che diventa una patologia.

Chiedere a se stessi

Si può fare uno dei test compresi in questo sito per vedere se voi stessi o qualcuno dei vostri cari potrebbe avere il problema del gioco d’azzardo.

Farsi aiutare

Superare una problematica legata al gioco d’azzardo potrebbe non essere semplice, ma ci sono buone probabilità di farcela! Imparate a giocare in modo sicuro e ad aiutare qualcuno dei vostri cari a mettere un limite al proprio gioco. Se non sapete a chi rivolgervi, questo sito multilingue è stato creato proprio per darvi risposte nella vostra lingua.


How do we gamble?

Categories of Games

Most popular gambling games can put into three categories. The categories are based on how random the outcome of the game is, and how much control the player has in choosing an outcome.

  1. Random and Independent (slots, lotteries, dice, roulette)
    Randomly generated, results independent of the next play
    There is no control over the outcome. 
  2. Random and Dependent (cards, bingo)
    Randomly generated, results are somewhat foreseeable.
    The outcome is controlled.
  3. Non-random and Dependent (sports betting)
    You know what you’re betting on.
    You have some sense of control about the outcome.

Major Groups of Games



  • Power is important
  • Image is important
  • Bets are higher
  • Generally men
  • Socialization
  • Starts gambling earlier in life
  • Sense of control, skill


  • Poker
  • Sports betting
  • Horse racing
  • Stock Market
  • Real Estate
  • Cards



  • Power not important
  • Image not important
  • Little money to spend
  • Generally women
  • Socialization not important
  • Escape, fantasy


  • Slots
  • Lotteries
  • Bingo
  • VLTs
  • Scratch Tickets
  • Roulette



Q: Maxaan uga hadalnaa khamaarka iyo kooxo dhaqameedka?

A: Balwadda khamaarku waxay saamayn kartaa qof kasta iyadoon la eegayn dhaqan beeleedka qofka.

Khamaaristu waa wax ka jiray ugu dhawaan bulshooyinka oo dhan waligiiba. Cilmi-baadhis ayaa sheegtay in ciyaaraha nasiibka baryihii hore ay lahaayeen qaabka tuurista qori-tuur iyo laadhuu. Ul ciyaareed afar dhinac leh oo ku taariikhaysan 6000 Ciise Hortii ayaa laga soo qufay meelo arkayoolaji oo Afrika, Eeshiya iyo Waqooyinka iyo Koonfurta Maraykanka ah.

Wakhtigan, cilmi-baadhis waxay muujisay in boqolkiiba khamaarlayaasha daran ay iskaga mid yihiin dadka oo dhami.

95% kamid ah dadku waa caafimaad qabaan marka ay timaado khamaaristu laakiin waxay ku lug lahaayeen khamaarista.

5% kamid ah dadku waa balwadlayaal khamaar

1%  kamid ah 5% waa khamaarlayaal daran

Heerka hawlaha khamaar ee kooxo dhaqameed waxay la mid tahay heerarka khamaar ee dadka caadiga ah.” (ARF Study, 1996)

Si kastaba, waxaanu u baahannahay inaanu awoodda saarno inayna wax wayn ahayn arrinka khamaarku laakiin ay wax wayn tahay la’aanshaha galaangal u yeelashada macluumaad iyo khayraadka kuwaasi oo dhigi kara dadka kasoo jeeda kooxaha dhaqameed khatar gaadhsiinta dhibaatada khamaarka.

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