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Como é que jogamos? Existem muitos tipos diferentes de jogo e de lugares de jogo:

Como é que jogamos? Existem muitos tipos diferentes de jogo e de lugares de jogo:


Casinos de Caridade


Salões de Bingo

Loterias / Pontos de venda de bilhetes

Loterias de Hospital

Jogos de conveniência

Jogos dos Nativos[casinos nas reservas ou territórios, bingo por rádio]

Igreja e outras jogos de arrecadamento de fundos

Apostas fora da pista

Jogos não sancionados, tais como luta de galos ou corridas de cães

Apostas de Pari- motel [corridas de arreios]

Transmissão simultânea e Apostas de contas [ apostas em competições de boxe, corridas de cavalos ou outros eventos que ocorrem noutros lugares]

Apostar em Desportos








Assessment Tools:

CAMH gambling screen

South Oaks gambling screen *

DSM – IV Criteria *

Gambler’s Anonymous’ 20 questions *


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Printer-Friendly Pages

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Gamble Scramble(pdf)

Print this word game and have fun while you learn about safe gambling!


Youth and Gambling

Youth and Gambling

One of the challenges of growing up is making the right decisions under social pressure. The rapid expansion of the gambling industry has changed many people’s opinion about what is acceptable gambling — and what is an acceptable age to begin gambling.

The study of young gamblers is in its infancy. The studies that have been done tell us that:

– youth gambling rates in American and Canadian cities are about the same (52-89% of youth are gambling)

– Informal types of games (cards, sports betting) are popular for underage gamblers

– Youth tend to play games on a monthly to weekly basis, however, some youth gamble on a daily basis

•  3 to 4% of youth run the risk of becoming a pathological gambler

•  Youth who have other problems (like substance abuse) are at greater risk of developing a gambling problem

(sources: NRC 1999, AFM, 1990, Nova Scotia Omnifacts, 1993)


What are the risks for youth gamblers?

Since young peoples’ minds and bodies are still developing, it can be even more difficult for them to control impulses and make smart decisions about how and when to gamble.

Factors like feeling alienated, having trouble at school or having parents with bad gambling behaviour are just some of the reasons why youth develop problems. Peer pressure can also play a part in problem gambling. Some young people feel that gambling is a “rite of passage”. Others have nothing better to do than gamble.

Since gambling has become more socially acceptable for adults, it is easy for youth to downplay the seriousness of a gambling problem and blame it on other factors.

The fact that gambling is illegal can be part of the thrill for young gamblers. Even though by law, minors are prohibited from gaming venues, there are many other ways that youth can get involved in gaming activities.

Signs of Problem Gambling Among Youth

  • Cannot confide
  • Feels ignored, anxious, worried, depressed
  • Negative school experiences
  • Early first gambling experience
  • Uses gambling “lingo”
  • Active in other risk behaviours

Empower Youth

  • Reducing the Risk: Harm Reduction
  • Don’t push for abstinence – allow for choice.
  • Encourage informed decisions – don’t try

    to scare.

  • Provide sound information.
  • Communicate positive messages.



Assessment Tools:

CAMH gambling screen

South Oaks gambling screen *

DSM – IV Criteria *

Gambler’s Anonymous’ 20 questions *


Fatti sul problema del gioco

Fatti sul problema del gioco

Il 95% della popolazione è attiva in diversi tipi di giochi e sono ma per quanto riguardo I giochi d’azzardo

Il 5% della popolazione presenta con problemi di gioco

L’1% al 5% sono giocatori compulsivi / patologici

Tante persone giocano senza nessun problema. La maggioranza delle persone gioca senza causarse nessun male a se o agli altri. A seconda il Centre for Addiction and Mental Health nello studio del 1995, 84% degli adulti in Ontario gioca almeno una volta l’anno e un terzo della popolazione (33%) ha participato almeno a tre tipi differenti di gioco d’azzardo (Ferris 1996).

Tuttavia, esiste un settore della popolazione che svilupperà problemi di gioco d’azzardo’ e questo problema ha tanto in comune con tanti altri vizi. Fino al 50% di giocatori d’azzardo ha problemi con abuso di sostanze. Da nove a diciotto percento dei consumatori delle sostanze svilupperà problemi con il gioco d’azzardo. L’abuso di sostanze è più alto per i giocatori giovani.

Jason Azmier analista per la Canada West Foundation afferma che è molto difficile sapere chi è direttamente affetto dai giochi d’azzardo, perche “è una malattia nascosta”.