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Quelles sont les CHANCES?

Les chances de gagner sont très minces. En fait, elles vont toujours contre le parieur. C’est toujours la ” maison ” qui a la haute main et plus une personne joue, plus elle risque de perdre.

Votre grande chance :

Loto 6/49 : 1 chance sur 14 millions

Super 7 : 1 chance sur 21 millions

Pour gagner, il faudrait donc acheter un billet tous les jours pendant 20 000 ans.





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Quale sono le probabilità?

Le probabilità di vincere sono abbastanza piccole. Le probabilità sono sempre contro il giocatore. La “cassa” avra sempre il margine, e più qualcuno gioca, più sono le probabilità di perdere.

La tua grande opportunità:

Lotto 6/49: 1 a 14 milioni

Super 7: 1 a 21 milioni

Alora per vincere: dovresti acquistare un biglietto ogni giorno per un periodo di 20000 anni

La probabilità di fare un incidente con la macchina o annegarsi:

1 a 20000


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Cuáles son las PROBABILIDADES?

Las probabilidades o las oportunidades de ganar son siempre mínimas. Las probabilidades siempre están en contra de quién apuesta. La “casa” siempre tendrá la ventaja, y cuánto mas se juegue, es mas problable que mas se perderá.

Cuáles son sus Chances:

Loto 6/49:1 en 14 millones

Super 7:1 en 21 millones

Entonces para ganar- tendrá que compar un billete todos los días por 20,000 años




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The odds or chances of winning are very small. Odds are always against the bettor. The “house” will always have the edge, and the more someone gambles, the more likely they will lose.

Your Big Chance:

Lotto 6/49: 1 in 14 million

Super 7: 1 in 21 million

So to win – you need to buy a ticket every day for 20,000 years





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Tips for Family and Friends

– Know the signs!

– Acknowledge the problem

– Help the gambler to set limits

– Provide moral support

– Cause and consequences are a great teacher – help the gambler recognize what they are really risking when they gamble, and what the outcome might be

– Beware of funding the problem with unrealistic bailouts, legal assistance, etc. – don’t be bullied by the gambler

– Don’t make excuses for the gambler

– Insist on honesty


Program Information

Niagara Multilingual Problem Gambling Program

A Problem Gambling Project for Special Populations: Ethno-Cultural Communities, Addiction Services, Niagara Health System.

Established in 2000, the Niagara Multilingual Problem Gambling Program was created to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate problem gambling services to the various ethno-cultural communities in Niagara. Particular attention has been placed on confidentiality.

The Program supports the needs of the ethno-cultural communities and provides a link with other related issues such as substance abuse or concurrent disorders, and has established a working network partnership amongst all Niagara Region multicultural communities, other services providers and Niagara Health System Addiction Services.

The Problem Gambling Multilingual Advisory Committee composed of members of the community with different cultural backgrounds provides support to this Program. This program is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Problem Gambling Portfolio.

A multi-lingual website in 11 different languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, Farsi, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish and Urdu, which contains linguistically and culturally appropriate information, a confidential e-mail question/ answer forum, and links to other related sites.

Problem Gambling Training for:

  • Settlement workers
  • Cultural Interpreters
  • Social Service providers
  • Financial/Legal sectors
  • other services

Gambling and Problem Gambling Information/ Awareness Sessions for:

  • ethno-cultural communities
  • social service providers
  • financial/legal sector
  • community groups
  • ESL students and other services

Provision of multilingual Problem Gambling Educational Resources:

  • Brochures
  • Posters
  • Manuals
  • Handbooks, etc.

Problem Gambling Display Information Tables at various Community Events

All requests for problem gambling counselling are referred to the Niagara Alcohol & Drug Assessment Service (NADAS), the designated problem gambling treatment centre for the Niagara Region.

  • Niagara Multilingual Prevention/Education Problem Gambling Program, Addiction Services, Niagara Health System: 905-378-4647 x63849
  • Web site:
  • Niagara Alcohol & Drug Assessment Service, Gambling Treatment Program: 905-684-1859
  • Gamblers’ Anonymous Niagara: 905-351-1616
  • Credit Counseling of Regional Niagara: 905-684-9401
  • Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline (24-hour referral): 1-888-230-3505
  • Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) toll-free gambling counselling: 1-888-647-4414
  • 24-hour credit counselling: 1-800-267-2272
  • Web sites